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  1. Wow. That SMU Team almost beat Clemson….. Horns by 35 🤘🏼🤣
  2. Future Longhorn LT John Turntine going to the ship 🤘🏼
  3. Hoping Sydir does stay and gets it together. Pulling for the young man. Gotta maximize that talent.
  4. Just saw this on X…so glad someone is respecting what Michael Taaffe has done this year! 🤘🏼
  5. Means we have DL Portal competition…A&M has money too and isn’t afraid to spend
  6. If they could find a few Lole level players or better talent wise that would be awesome … I’m sure they’re going to cost a fortune though
  7. I just saw that. I know Texas is bound to kick the tires on that one.
  8. Thinking of the un-named… Chace Sims always wanted to be a Longhorn to start….cmonnnn down young man🤘🏼
  9. He saw that great A&M offense last night and wants to be apart of it
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