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Jack Lala

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About Jack Lala

  • Birthday 09/24/1951

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  1. I'm old enough to have seen Janis Joplin sing with Kenneth Threadgill. Always thought that a curious combo.
  2. Preach Tony, Preach!
  3. Prayers for him.
  4. Probably safe until you get caught.
  5. Another fat fug. Please do.
  6. There's now a Friday show. Pay attention, Drunk. Haha
  7. What a privilege to have him at Texas!!!
  8. Sorry for that. I get carried away sometimes.
  9. Love Coach Vic. Great win for the ladies. Ever wonder why SC is not called the Lady cocks?
  10. He'll try but CDC ain't going nowhere. Man has the best job in America.
  11. Normally a nice dry red. Summertime though means tequila, half a lime and sparkling water other coconut water. Mmm mum good.
  12. Finally getting closer to the real start time. Thanks Blake.
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