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Everything posted by bierce

  1. So you're saying the refs' job is to get this to OT?
  2. Which conference provided the refs for this game?
  3. Let's completely ignore the obvious hold in the center of the line there.
  4. Just as much contact if not more on that GT completion than there was on the Georgia toss into the end zone that was called PI.
  6. Two close calls. Two calls against GT. That was a pretty ticky-tack PI in the endzone. You see more contact on plays in every game that go uncalled.
  7. And then the rb falls down without contact. Ugh.
  8. totally. What a run for that last first down.
  9. Or plow straight ahead with your badass qb.
  10. Gutsy run by King to make this a make-able fourth down, but punting might be the right call here. Or a try for a career long fg.
  11. He tried to in Austin.
  12. Announcers trying to sell this an inconclusive evidence when screen shot shows GT player with ball in his hands before Georgia back's butt hits the ground.
  13. That is a fumble.
  14. Are SEC announcers really complaining about Georgia having to play a meaningful game in November?
  15. That wreck be ramblin'!
  16. LSU down 26-25 at the half to future Texas patsy opponent Northwestern State. Don't get too excited. Northwestern State had an 8 point lead in the second half against OU and lost by 20 or so.
  17. More bad strategy shown in the Purdue-Mississippi game. Purdue was up 2 and took possession with 45 seconds to go. Even if it ran the shot clock all the way down, Mississippi would get a chance with 15 seconds or more. So Purdue ran the clock down without even trying to run a play until the shot clock was down to five seconds. One pass to a guy who was stripped, Mississippi went down and tied it on a break. Purdue might still win here because it grabbed an offensive rebound of a terrible shot, and is up a basket with .6 seconds left, but I will never understand why coaches don't try to run their full offense in the closing seconds. I see so many empty possessions in those situations that I have to think teams are not doing themselves any favors by killing as much clock as they can instead of really trying to score.
  18. So much for NC State's ability to stem opponent's 3 point shooting. BYU is torching the Wolfpack 52-32 and the nets 9/15 bta with 14:56 left. Awful week for our non-conference SOS with UConn getting swept in Maui and looking like NC State will be swept in San Diego.
  19. I won't answer for the football team, but I will answer for other entities: The University and its fans are thankful it isn't A&M. The State is thankful it isn't Oklahoma.
  20. Tulane is playing really dumb ball. Third bomb in four offensive plays. One incomplete. One complete with a fumble. One INT. Tulane was moving so well before just chucking it deep. Now it is probably dead.
  21. Another 3 and out. Tulane not dead yet.
  22. Announcers now saying original ruling on the field was a fumble. That was the right call, btw.
  23. Correction. Catch and fumble.
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