Mississippi flubbed offspeeed by Rutherford, then Washington got her 29th kill, then Rutherford got blocked, then Wenaas sailed one. 11-7 Mississippi. Looking grim.
Our blocking finally started showing up in the third set. Ames solo block wins it 25-23. We had 2 blocks in the first two sets combined. We had 4 in the third set.
Oregon also beat Boise State, giving it two wins against teams in the playoff mix. It also beat Illinois by a bazillion, giving it 3 wins against ranked teams.
Ohio State also beat Penn State and Indiana, giving it two wins against teams in the playoff mix.
Do either Indiana or Penn State deserve to be in the mix? Maybe not, but let's not forget we're currently 0-1 against ranked teams.
Mississippi didn't have a block in the set until the final two points. Two blocks, one by 5'10" (and that is generous) Nia Washington, who also leads the match with 9 kills.
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