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Everything posted by bierce

  1. Ames is getting really good on the slide.
  2. Kahahawai's cross court shot caught too much net and went wide. We are not getting many powerful swings with this line up, but Wenaas made a terrific pancake turner dig.
  3. Singletary is such a strong blocker.
  4. Nice kill down line by Wenaas.
  5. No touch confirmed. I wonder what Singletary's gesture of finger rubbing above her head meant.
  6. Singletary seemed to be calling it was a touch there.
  7. Kahahawai gets a chance to show again what she can do. I thought she was playing very well before the lineup change to emphasize passing. Still wild with her serves, but she's hitting the ball well when she gets a swing at the net.
  8. With proposal to cheerleader and everything?
  9. Northwestern State lost by 24.
  10. Northwestern State lost by 24. Correction. It's on Tru
  11. None of the above, as far as I know.
  12. Dear Advertisers, This is BS. I'm no longer watching, so your investment in commercial time has been wasted. Love, America with a conscience.
  13. That was the one I was referring to earlier. Egregious.
  14. Georgia icing the QB?
  15. Time for the 15 yard completion and timeout with 1 second left play.
  16. So you're saying the refs' job is to get this to OT?
  17. Which conference provided the refs for this game?
  18. Let's completely ignore the obvious hold in the center of the line there.
  19. Just as much contact if not more on that GT completion than there was on the Georgia toss into the end zone that was called PI.
  21. Two close calls. Two calls against GT. That was a pretty ticky-tack PI in the endzone. You see more contact on plays in every game that go uncalled.
  22. And then the rb falls down without contact. Ugh.
  23. totally. What a run for that last first down.
  24. Or plow straight ahead with your badass qb.
  25. Gutsy run by King to make this a make-able fourth down, but punting might be the right call here. Or a try for a career long fg.
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