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Everything posted by Hookem1012

  1. Bond being .2 slower than Worthy is comical after all that noise he talked about breaking the record.
  2. Thought about going. Wife said no. Oh well.
  3. It has to be 10 degrees at the Disch today. It’s either the hottest place on earth or the coldest. No in between.
  4. Kentucky is going to lose because they have two white guys on the floor. You can’t do that, this is basketball.
  5. Tre is the best player we’ve had since that Durant guy. Wonder how he turned out.
  6. Look at you being all Rick Rude and appearing in two places at once.
  7. We strike out more than anyone, seemingly.
  8. Until the kid switched to 3, anyway.
  9. I’ve got a NT one of him numbered to 5. To the moon.
  10. He's not good enough to wear 7. I know that's been his IG handle but still, if he actually switches to 7 that's going to put an absurd about of pressure on him to be HALF as good as Jahdae was.
  11. Couldn't be happier that you're here, Jeff. Once you're nWo, you're nWo 4 lyfe(or until one of the big egos kicks you out).
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