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  1. There is a lot we can take away from this loss. None of it is good though
  2. You wait and see, Texas wins this game by 3.
  3. 6’7” girl from UCLA is pretty good. UConn though, 30 point blow out of South Carolina on THEIR floor? That just changed how everything looks.
  4. Broke SCarolina SEC win streak, followed by first home loss for Kentucky. Anyone got any streaks they need adjusting?
  5. Yeah, because punishing the players has worked so well in the past.
  6. Agree. Part of being a head coach now is getting NIL commitments. If we don’t have it, and that is a IF, then he is falling short.
  7. Sucks for her and for us softball fans.
  8. Sad, one of my all time favorites
  9. yeah since the 70’s anyway when the all time biggest trade was also Lakers. Jabbar trade resulted in 5 ? NBA titles.
  10. You know though, if it was me and innocent I would be going ballistic, privately and publicly. I would be in front of of a polygraph as soon as they could wire it up and challenge each of them to do the same. Then preparing my lawsuit against each. Each acts differently to such things I guess.
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