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Red Five

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  1. You appear to be bringing the news here. Why don't you tell us? Like, where are you reading it and who is saying it?
  2. Pope was pretty good at OSU. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing what he looks like in a real offense.
  3. Didn't UCLA do it?
  4. It's not that we're lacking bodies. He's in a class with two other 5 star WRs.
  5. He might need to make the Final Four at this point. Although even then we might find him a nice Marquette-ish gig.
  6. How many wins in the SEC tourney do we think it would take? Three? I don't think we have a 31% chance of beating Vandy, aggy, and Tennessee (if I remember the bracket correctly).
  7. womp womp Maybe poor ol' Texas can get a random high school coach?
  8. I just want him to have fun out there.
  9. I think this was the entire point. No one would argue he didn't have success here.
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