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Everything posted by Weino

  1. IT just reported Burrell is no longer with the team
  2. Some people just like some new scenery of course idk what he’ll do when he gets to the NFL and can’t force a trade though
  3. Officially planning to enter the portal via Hayes
  4. So, because the players got caught before it went too far that makes it better? Intent is just as bad even when the results aren’t as bad. I understand you’re being impartial to the situation, but those kids are lucky the other kid didn’t have an even worse reaction. Just because someone else caught their mess up before it went too far doesn’t make their actions any better, regardless of their punishment. Yes kids make mistakes, but I don’t think most kids go this far. I agree both sides should be heard, but it looks pretty bad from the info out there so far. Just seems to me that it would be just as easy to recruit someone else instead of this kid.
  5. They were always willing to offer a bag as big as ours at least, but Bo leaving is the reason we lost him
  6. Tvondre Sweat and Jonathon Brooks both posted links to the news article about the Lake Travis football players who put peanuts into an allergic player’s locker. Since they’re NFL bound, no downside for them to post their lack of support for the offer to Gus Cordova who was directly involved. Sweat and Brooks have all of my respect for speaking out.
  7. Sark’s having some kinda luck with hiring DB analysts this time around. 3rd time’s the charm?
  8. Pettijohn pls
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