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Gerry Hamilton

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Everything posted by Gerry Hamilton

  1. Talked to an NBA scout recently… the thought headed into this season: Conwell - NBA real possibility Larry and Kent - good overseas contract players … based on early returns in Austin, that is fitting
  2. Definitely think they can … Im very interested to see who starts at guard - not that it truly matters as five guys will play 20+ mins … Larry is the pure team running PG of the guards
  3. There is also a feeling that Kadin Shedrick has taken some big steps now that he's healthy and can fully work in S&C and skill work.
  4. Texas staff just really loves what they have seen from Julian Larry thus far.
  5. OnTexasFootball spoke with Ruston (La.) High 4-star CB Aidan Anding in the last ten minutes. Anding, 5-11 and 175, has four schools remaining in the mix: Texas, Arkansas, Miami and LSU. Anding remains scheduled to visit LSU the last weekend in July. With that said, he told OTF that there is the possibility he cancels that visit. A decision will be made on that by Sunday night. If LSU is canceled, Texas or Arkansas will likely be the pick in the next week to 10 days.
  6. Schloss broke it out on the Aggies again
  7. Quickest release since 13
  8. Here’s the one thing I will say about recruiting that has never changed or will change Fans want the best hint or current update on their teams chances for a prospect … Fans want the info, that will never change. Some fan will also take the negative news or change in a recruitment with the mindset that the info was wrong or sources were wrong … the part of that is missed in those scenarios is the likelihood that even the schools recruiting a prospect were surprised or caught off guard by the switch or change of direction. Recruiting is a winding road, more than ever due to NIL, even for the college coaches. The whole industry business marketing part of the game with Crystal Ball and RPM’s has drastically changed how fans react to negative news or changes in a recruitment. That marketing has been great for subscription sales in the industry, but it’s also greatly changed the way fans react when a recruitment shifts or changes. Make no mistake, there is pressure applied to employees to make pics (a lot of times much earlier than desired) to sell subs/traffic through recruiting prospect hype. That might not be a popular thing to say, but it’s factual.
  9. When I post a Hi … that doesn’t come from a prospect or agent. Just to be clear
  10. What I mean is that will have to play out during the season … winding road Recruiting doesn’t stop
  11. Arthur Kaluma will begin workouts with team either Friday, or next week
  12. Cordarrelle Patterson JUCO HUDL: https://www.hudl.com/video/3/534287/5721a92ce984d413d4d48675
  13. To this point, there has been one silent commit (or Hi) to Texas not end up at Texas. There have been multiple prospects already commit to Texas publicly that were that. There are a few still out there ... time will tell on how it shakes out, but to this point the prospects that have told Texas they were coming have followed through with the exception of one. If Texas went 8 out of every 10 in that scenario, they would take that. Josiah Sharma was not a Hi. With that said, he told multiple colleges he was going to Texas the day before his decision (even gave quotes to people in the industry for commitment day stories), and changed up the morning of his announcement.
  14. Oregon is on another level in this cycle ... pretty impressive so far. Texas will keep trying to chip away ... They got Wilson on campus in June for UOV under the radar... see if Oregon keeps him shut down. Wilson has had an OV scheduled for FSU in November for the UF game for a while. Will he OV to FSU or Texas in the fall or will the Ducks keep it shut down?
  15. Are the national pre-season rankings out?
  16. Arky will be interesting… still too young IMO, but not as young as Cal’s recent teams have been
  17. No doubt these days it is
  18. Check the tower chief log!!! I'll add this ... OTF believes strongly that Dallas Wilson made an under the radar unofficial visit in June (mid week for a day). This was after the originally scheduled unofficial visit plans fell through. What does that mean for Wilson's announcement tonight? I can't say for certainty.
  19. With his brother at Hawaii ... the family has some west coast eyes https://hawaiiathletics.com/sports/football/roster/chuuky-hines/21277
  20. We shall see what he does ... I made the WR recruiting note post yesterday (down the board) because I was told that Wilson and Texas have been talking more of late. Will Oregon's seemingly unlimited NIL come into play here? We shall see.
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