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About jlcollins519

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  1. Choice is in Georgia recruiting. He’s not going to that sh.tshow in Dallas.
  2. Hey Bobby....just wanted to let you know that the ads have popped back up again. Thanks for all the content and have a Merry Christmas.
  3. if DK25 isn't interested, let me know and how much are looking for them?
  4. The first UT game I ever went to was in 77, when UT played cougar high at Rice Stadium. We had a couple of cougar high fans sitting behind us and every time Earl was tackled and he got up slowly like he always did, they were yelling "He's hurt, He's hurt". Nope not hurt, just taking his time getting up to run over them time and time again. Hook'em.
  5. It’s my birthday today and we get a commitment. Couldn’t ask for anything more. Hook’em.
  6. any relation to Gifford Nielsen? Kind of looks like his grandpa if so.
  7. Kelce had 1 catch at the time of injury, exploded for 9 more catches afterwards.
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