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Everything posted by Texas84

  1. Your post looked 'legible' to me. Thanks!
  2. Will never happen, but promotion and relegation. Like British football.
  3. Texas 34-10.
  4. Texas 30-17. Pull away in 2nd half and take a knee at the end.
  5. It's underlined. Was that supposed to be a link?
  6. Is this the guy on SiriusXM who pauses four times in every sentence?
  7. Ole Miss had a bunch of recruits at that game. Oops!
  8. The eye went east of Macon so we're good. Counties to the east, not so much. Just worried about trees tipping over and taking out power lines.
  9. 52-0, D gets two scores.
  10. Macon. I used to live in Warner Robins. Worked on base for a few years. So I definitely know Centerville.
  11. Where is the OTF branded Manscape in burnt orange?
  12. It's headed right for us in middle Georgia. Forecast is 60 mph gusts overnight. Work closing at noon Thursday.
  13. Savannah is an odd choice. But three hours from me. Might have to make a trip.
  14. Blake's leftover Domino's pizza...
  15. All I needed in the 80s was an application and an 800 on the SAT.
  16. Bummer. Was hoping for more games closer to me in Georgia. Maybe next year. Will do MSU for sure, maybe UK.
  17. Don't remember. Also on Game Day, Saban to Sark, "Go get em kid."
  18. Somebody on Game Day said this wouldn't be close and Arch would get time.
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