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  1. Great day coming. The last game of the Rodney Terry era at Texas around 4 pm . No hate just a bad hire . Good luck elsewhere. Let the new era begin 🤘
  2. C' mon man. 70-10! Then 56-8 2019-23, and going against the Michigan cheaters where we may never know how much that affected those years as well. Harbaugh couldn't touch Day until all of a sudden Espionage Stallions showed up 😂. Could go on and on. Oh btw just won the Natty ! Outcoached us in our game which was really the National Championship game imo both sides of the ball.
  3. Staley owns Vic be honest. He is 3-16 against her.0-5 in SEC Tournament ,0-1 in Elite 8, 0-1 in National Championship. He is a great coach and person, but Staley is just better. Maybe one more chance to get a rematch this year. Need Chavez and her points badly, if Vic let's her be her! Will see on that if and when she comes to the 40.
  4. Oh when we jump to conclusions. KVUE news here in Austin has a good story. Worthy put a private investigator on her suspected she was cheating. That was his fiance by the way. PI got video evidence. She has been asked to move out for weeks now. Lawyer claims she tried to extort him , and this bogus claim. She destroyed a room, cut on Worthy's face and pulled some hair out. Again lawyer has pictures, but Worthy declined to press charges. Whatever happened hope it works out for all. But always better to wait before you crucify any athlete at any school. Until more info comes out. If Williamson County dropped a case that fast , that says it all!
  5. The only thing that knows at my soul is your ridiculous takes. Keep RT for a decade IDGAF . Football matters Bierce😂.Get out of your feels and carry on though🤘
  6. All this speculation is fun for some I guess. Bottom line RT is gone no matter what and y'all know it. But have fun dreaming😂
  7. Might be?😂 C' mon man! No might to it they are done. At Miss St then OU. We play so well at home huh. Then lose 1st round SEC game. So no might to it!! Just waiting on the new hire announcement in a few weeks.
  8. He ain't 70 and a member of AARP🤣
  9. Two words - He gone! Good luck to him and staff. He is a good guy that will be bought out. Just not the right fit! This made the decision easier, but truly embarrassing after a week off. Let the argument over replacements begin!!
  10. Exactly the new hire ain't breaking anything 😂
  11. They can never just retire, have to linger around. He had his time, been properly thanked and criticized. Thanks but no thanks to any role at Texas , fundraising or whatever. Just my opinion . Nothing worse than a old coach meddler hanging around that can't let go. Hell open a cookie shop with Sally and be done🤣
  12. Damn Anwar breaking everything should have hired him 😂😂. Seriously great news for sure!
  13. Great weekend for Longhorns everywhere except Justin Tucker😂😂. Another D Watson before our eyes what a shame!!
  14. Still gotta worry about 1 or 2 more fb coaches getting poached. Stay tuned gonna be a bumpy week.
  15. LMAO at Lil Bro again on the unis!!! Yell leaders getting them next😂😂😂🤘
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