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About NothinButDaHorns34

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  1. Yep! To a fu*king 0-13 now 1-13 team in conference play. The RT “we made it to the elite 8” crap was only a fairytale.
  2. I swear a couple of the guys in this thread make me feel like RT’s got them on the pay role with the type of excuses they make for him and this team.
  3. No sh*t, Sherlock. You can stop blowing RT now because he won’t be here much longer.
  4. Yet somehow the women’s head coach knows how to play to his teams strength to WIN
  5. I wish CDC would end our misery and do it now to start the search asap.
  6. Wow! Getting blown out by a 0-13 in conference team.
  7. There’s no way South Carolina can continue this success into the second half, Right? If so RT needs to be fired before their flight leaves back to Austin.
  8. Can’t tell who’s the 0-13 team in SEC play and the 5-8 one is
  9. My gosh! New basketball coach PLEASE.
  10. Only thing this teams seems to be good at is playing sloppy
  11. I’d love a blowout performance by us like we did against LSU.
  12. We’ll be okay. Not ONE recruit will halt the train that is texas right now. Sarks and staff have got this thing rolling.
  13. He also played with a quarterback who wasn’t exactly a deep ball aficionado.
  14. Still have the last memories of him whipping the aggie and clemson centers to make those goal line stops in both games possible
  15. PLEASE let this be true! He single handily made the aggie and clemson goal line stops happen.
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