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  1. Who cares? I wish them NOTHING but the worst of luck i anything they do. Spent all of that money on burks and williams just to have an average season.
  2. I am rooting for sydir but it’s looking more and more like he’ll either be a JAG or in the portal.
  3. My battered fan syndrome doesn’t want to let me get cocky. I know if we go 2-0 in week 6 and 7 i may completely be remedied of it.
  4. I’m not fully sure but let me dust off the ol’ magic future teller ball for ya.
  5. Miami is the same as notre dame to me. I fully expect a what the f type of lose.
  6. So are we in the running? His mom definitely preferred Texas in their interview at the airport unless it was just lip service.
  7. The term “you made your bed, Now lay in it” comes to mind.
  8. Pointless thread, But let’s hope he wakes up before it’s too late. In saying that i’d be okay with flipping kelshaun over DK.
  9. Unless bama gets A LOT better i see a couple of losses on their schedule because they looked putrid on offense and couldn’t stop the run against south florida.
  10. Sydir’s gotta want to put in the work and I’m not so sure that’s the case yet.
  11. Ever since little joey opened his big mouth about the “big 12 running through Lubbock” it’s been downhill since for tech.
  12. Crazy seeing blOwU fans doing the horns down with how our day went and how theirs is going.
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