Chewie, thank you for the kind words. I attended UT a lot longer ago than I’d like to admit 🤣, got a journalism degree, and fulfilled a naive dream to become a sportscaster by taking a low paying job as a weekend guy in Midland/Odessa. Was only there about 13 months, but covered a lot of really good HS football. I then left for a Sports Director job in Waco, did that for 10 1/2 years, and was Gus Johnson’s first boss. I then was the station’s main news anchor for another six years, then left TV for medical marketing jobs (way better hours, way better money).
I reconnected with Gus in 2011 and took a job as Sideline Producer for Fox College Football. I’ve helped out over the years, while being able to keep my real job intact. I retired at the end of June, and simply asked Bobby one day if he needed any help (I recognized he was working what seemed to be 24 hours a day). We did a little test run, and he said I could be part of the team.
I know I’m on the bottom of the totem pole and woefully out of practice, with not much time to get back in the swing of things doing it just once a week, but it’s cool. Got to keep the brain cells alive somehow!
Again, thanks!