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Class of 04

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Everything posted by Class of 04

  1. I would rather take a hot poker in my pee hole than root for either of those teams...
  2. I suspect Oklahoma has been doing it for years...
  3. Jerry Jones, the P.T. Barnum of the NFL. It's all show no substance, in that vain I could easily see Sanders or Kiffin as the ringmaster nest year.
  4. Even with the injury it seemed like his heart wasn't in it, his routes were off and his drops especially the one last night were becoming more frequent.
  5. The OP is an idiot, another message board hero.
  6. I wholly agree, all that coupled with alleged first round pick Cam Williams just getting whipped on that strip for TD was gutting.
  7. Judging by the game tonight, tomorrows game is basically for the National Championship.
  8. Auburn's gonna beat us like a rented mule. I would say they maintain a 20-25 point lead until mop up time then still win by 15+.
  9. Bleacher Report is where you go to work when no other legitimate publication will hire you.
  10. I'm not making a score prediction. I just want every Longhorn to play to their abilities and let the chips fall where they may.
  11. I wonder what they're gonna do with his brother, because the dude is mid and that's being generous.
  12. Yormark can eat a bag of D**KS. That's my official statement...
  13. Bunch of degenerate gamblers. All those online betting sites have changed fandom forever, now all the T-shirt fans feel like they have the same skin in the game as the alumni and boosters.
  14. Send CDC your resume, I'm sure he will be enamored with your critique and experience on a fan message board and immediately fire Sark and hire you on the spot...SMFH
  15. 100% the correct answer, I'm not saying we will win but we're not gonna get boat raced like Oregon is right now.
  16. I guess it was Quinn's fault they averaged 1.8 YPC rushing? I suppose Quinn missed those two FG's? He was certainly the cause of all those false starts and personal fouls especially on defense. Lest not forget about his blown coverage on on the Skattabo TD pass. Yep he needs to go quick fast and in a hurry.
  17. One of these guys will end up in prison as somebodies boo, the other plays QB at Texas...
  18. SC-Illinois the postgame is gonna be fire compared to the game on the gridiron. Bielema is a fat bag of turds.
  19. Kevin Mar and his crew are doing everything in their power to make this game unwatchable...
  20. I still think Levitt might die on the field, the guy seems to double down on stupid.
  21. 42-14, I think the score is not as indicative as the dominance Texas will show. Once the game gets out of hand early Dillingham will run the ball even more than we expect to save face thereby shortening the game.
  22. It almost feels like Riley is coaching to get fired, that clock management is worse than my kids Jr. High coaches.
  23. The only thing missing from this picture is the janitor style retractable key ring with 253 keys that he doesn't have a clue what they open.
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