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Class of 04

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Everything posted by Class of 04

  1. How has a historically great program like Texas Baseball sank to where it sits now, losing to Corpus Christi. Good god I don't even have the words to describe the agony. If this is the best team Pierce can field we might not win a conference game next year.
  2. Terry was late to pull Hunter off of inbounding the ball, that was a head scratcher. Not trying to drive to the rim once we were in the bonus was also frustrating. Hunter, his turnovers and poor inbounding could be solely blamed for that loss if one was looking for a scapegoat. Sadly this team short of Weaver just didn't play with much heart or discipline and that was reflected in the the final score.
  3. This has to be the nadir of Texas baseball as we have known it. There is not real talent on the roster short of maybe Powell, and LBJ. Recruitment and player development have hit close to all time lows. Pierce has had plenty of latitude to captain the ship of one of the historically premier baseball programs in the country, he has ran the ship out of fuel and stranded it on a sandbar at low tide. It's time for a change at the top.
  4. Jordy Nelson made a ton of money off of playing us...
  5. Don't forget about our error prone fielding as well...😬
  6. Nothing says more than getting beat like a rented mule on national TV. 🐕💩
  7. Well earned. Just think where the program was 5 years ago, and the fact that treading water would be a generous way to put it. He along with his staff have put Texas back where it needs to be. Hook Em'.
  8. Over the last 6 years or so Ohio State is the Oklahoma of the BIG, they always have a stellar offense and win the conference more times than most. When it comes time to win a natty they poop the bed.
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