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  2. I thought Karate Brenson was just cool based on the name alone, but sheesh..79 rec,1088 yds, 6 Tds last season. Assuming he'll follow Eddie George to Bowling Green though, unless Coach Jackson has interest and being at the top of the SEC is Brenson's. https://tsutigers.com/sports/football/roster/karate-brenson/5070 Sincere Brown at 6'5 has an offer from Michigan and multiple others including A&M https://gocamels.com/sports/football/roster/sincere-brown/10410 Cam Camper out of Boise State is a much older, more experienced receiver. But can they beat Livingstone is the question
  3. Would love to see photos y'all took during the season of stadiums, field, team, cities, etc. Here are a couple I took (made the Texas A&M student section a little orange that day 😉)
  4. Ig I didn’t understand I thought this was a wish lol like asking the genie for all the money in the world
  5. Why would Tate leave now?? Besides Jerimiah..he's next.
  6. Good review I agree. LB’s a bit of a question as well a DB’s. I told my buddies the same thing don’t sleep on JA when Auburn comes to town.
  7. 6-6 with venables not making the season is a realistic outcome.
  8. I like the Gibson transfer kid, will see what the other Gibson kid looks like, and what kind of seas Deion Burke has. I don’t know how much a 29 year old Arbuckle (OC) can do when he brought over his QB coach, but the other offensive coaches are in tack. Their OL is more talented and experienced than last year, but Bedenbaugh has to put it together. How well does Kobie McKenzie fill in at LB. Can Kip Lewis stay healthy. Kanak moved from LB to TE. I think their secondary coverage is suspect till it is fixed. They should be really good on the DL. Their season is going to depend on Mateer. He needs to be in the Heisman convo for them to reach 9 to 10 wins imo. It might be the hater in me, but I think Arnold at Auburn has a better year than Mateer. Could be a lot of egg on the face for OU and Brent. They could lose to Jackson Arnold in Auburn, as well as LSU with their former WR (Anderson) and last year’s portal TE (Sharp). Alas, Spring is the time for hope.
  9. My thoughts as well. Just don’t see it. I think they may be underestimating a bit Mateer’s success coming to the SEC. I may be wrong but don’t see him running for 800 yards. He will have some dudes come off the edges he hasn’t seen before.
  10. Since sec guys can’t play I would just say smith and the other osu wr Tate carnell
  11. I believe without Danny and bowman that defense isn’t gonna be anywhere near as good as last year. Wr room isn’t half what it was last year if healthy so even if they have good qb play I don’t see him having enough help
  12. The portal exists because it has to. The NCAA does not have the power to prevent players from moving around. And you know it. The courts will eviscerate any governing body that tries to restrict player movement, and you know it. So the portal exists. Your only complaint about basketball is connected to the timing. Dumb complaint because the portal is only about when players can declare entry to the portal. It doesn't determine when players have to announce they are staying or going somewhere else. The day will come when every player in every single sport will announce he/she is entering the portal on day one of the portal opening to try to maximize earning potential. How you going to stop that? You can't. Smart coaches will recognize this is the new reality and not panic. They will tell their guys, "Let's go win this year, so you can maximize your potential earnings, and I'd love to have you come back here, but right now, let's get ready for our next opponent, and you agent and my GM will negotiate." Now admit it. Not a single NCAA basketball head coach has left for the NBA since the portal has become a thing. Admit it. Does the portal add to the headaches facing NCAA coaches? Of course it does. But only Bennett made a point about it being a reason he walked away. Wright just said he was only giving 70% of himself.
  13. So I have a couple of buddies that are hardcore Dirtburglars. They were telling me today with a good year Mateer will be a Heisman candidate. I’m not much of a crap talker so I’m just taking this all in, when the other guy pops out, will have the at least the second best defensive line in the SEC. So I’m still just kinda trying to process this conversation when he says, I think 10-2. I just don’t see it maybe so, I was just like pretty lofty considering the dumpster fire last year.
  14. Gotta be Ryan Williams j smith cam Coleman
  15. It’s tied into college football as well because they’re in the same boat and it’s the same point.
  16. I don't know, and I don't care, because our discussion is about whether having the portal open during the NCAA men's basketball tournament is some kind of bugaboo. There isn't a single NCAA basketball head coach who has left college coaching ranks to take an NBA job since the portal became a thing. Wright and Bennett retired. Maybe that was due to the portal being a thing, but they never said anything about the timing of the portal.
  17. Don’t just limit it to that, how many college football coaches are leaving as well? Or retiring?
  18. How many head coaches have left college ranks to take NBA head coaching jobs in the last 5 years?
  19. I can’t disagree with this more. Why do you think college coaches keep jumping ship to go to the pros? They basically have no life so I sympathize with that a lot. I think it’s completely outrageous/pathetic that they have to be recruiting their own team to come back WHILE THEIR STILL COMPETING. Tom Izzo’s rant was incredible…. Can you imagine if the NFL/NBA had free agency and the draft ALL before their postseason’s?? No because it’s ludicrous and stupid. That’s what college sports is right now.
  20. So what if the tournament is still going on? Our staff can go chase down prospects, so why should we care? Portal opening and closing only determines when players who are neither grad transfers nor players who saw their coaches run away can enter the portal. It says nothing about when they have to agree to play for their old schooll or a new one. As long as they entered the portal, they can sign with anyone at any point, or even skip signing altogether and just show up in September somewhere and collect the jack. So the fuss about the portal opening while the tournament is still going on is silly. Boo hoo if GMS of the teams still playing have to deal with free agents instead of sitting in the huddle during a game.
  21. Ok... all you guys screaming about what we need in the portal. Rub the bottle... let ol' Jenny Boom Boom out the bottle, and give me a Wr transfer portal candidate. Remember your wishes... must be an upperclassmen worthy of starting, and putting Parker on the bench. This guy, whoever he was, didn't go into the portal after the season, he stayed... didn't like either the money or the regime change, and is looking for greener pastures. Speed dating... but this is your wish. Rub the bottle, and tell me which of these 4 and 5 star young guys you wanna take reps from to "assure" a championship caliber offense. May your wish be granted.... I so wanna see these responses..🤣🤷🏿‍♂️🤘🏿
  22. It’s on Coach Miller now. All SEC schools are likely to be going after the same players.
  23. Pandora’s Box has been open, you can’t put the tooth paste back into the tube, etc. If the NCAA was reasonable years ago, it wouldn’t have gotten here. No end in sight until football breaks off and collectively bargains.
  24. Gerry, Bobby, CJ, please inform me because I am genuinely curious if there is an end in sight. The transfer portal and NIL ERA are beyond ridiculous right now. This window for basketball is proving that if it hasn’t already. Do any of you guys know if there is an end in sight to fixing all this crap? There’s no guard rails, or loyalty anymore which is sad to see. It’s all about who can pay the most. I’m all for paying players but I don’t see how this benefits college athletics in the long run. ESPECIALLY because the NCAA has to be the most worthless and incompetent organization of all time. In what world does it make sense to open the worthless portal IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLAYOFFS. Please inform me, thank you!
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