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About Thanos72

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  1. And I got it improved which helped several folks on here. You did help hit counts. Well done. 🤣
  2. You’re a magic 8 ball of retorts, username checks out. Angry? I don’t know/care enough about you or this issue to have any emotion with it. You didn’t offer an opinion. You tried to tell folks how they should react to their experience. I’d call it pretentious but I don’t think you possess the intellectual depth for it to be that. You’re just a keyboarder that likes to click and clack to hear themselves. One that I’ve spent far too much time on. #boring #wasteoftime
  3. Why respond if you aren’t impacted. Bobby literally requested a change to help because it is a business and he is trying to strike a balance. If you can stop being sycophantic, you’ll see that I’m trying to bring a potential deterrent to viewership to their attention. But, you’d have to be able to hear beyond your own voice to get this. The site leaders here are very capable of redirecting me if I’m out of line and don’t need your help policing others experiences. This isn’t the flex you think it is. ✌🏽
  4. Another simple minded thought. No wonder companies do what they want. It was about the excess of the ads, not the presence of them.
  5. Thank you very much. Feel free to lock the thread @Bobby Burton. 🤘🏽
  6. I have to pay you tube to listen to this as ad free. Makes sense to my original post. I pay here as a member to listen to ads to hear a show anyone can.
  7. You tube is worse in that I have to press a button to skip the ad or it can be a 15 minute ad.
  8. Your podcasts, especially the shorter ones, are becoming almost unlistenable with all the ads. One of your shorter shows was more ads than content. I want y’all to make your paper but it’s too much. I want to listen to the podcast and not have to manage it by fast forwarding every few minutes.
  9. Maybe during the visit it was deemed that he wasn’t the right culture fit?
  10. Either helps us win. The difference is mostly preference and offensive nuance. We’re not a wr away from winning it all. That ain’t the position.
  11. It’s so fast. Lost my mil in 9 months. She was amazing in how she stayed positive for the most part while understanding the reality. It doesn’t get the money for research it needs. You’re right about the physical impact. Really sorry to hear about your dad in stage 4. 🧡🙏🏽
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