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  1. @Gerry Hamilton@CJ Vogel Oline, specifically Cruz, brought this to mind. SIAP and I missed it. Could y’all do a chart or article on last year’s recruits with a “assessment “ of progress as viewed by the coaches? For example Cruz could be: -on track overall -lagging mentally , on track physically -lagging physically, on track mentally -exceeding overall -lagging mentally, exceeding physically, etc. Those are just examples/suggestions to clarify my ask. Y’all are the experts. It feels pretentious to even ask for someone to do work on something so I apologize in advance. If already done(please share link to it) or if no site appetite for it, I fully understand. They’ll be under Arch’s 2nd year as a starter so it piqued my curiosity. Thank you and 🤘🏽
  2. Sounds like she embraces being a leader and role model. If she went to Texas, she have one if the largest Hispanic( Mexican-American largely) populations in South Texas. San Antonio loves girl sports and how she carries herself would endear her. Be great for a lot of girls in Austin/San Antonio area.
  3. I thought we struggled with manny because they weren’t in sync with front end and back. I hope this was sorted out.
  4. Maybe if you tried as hard to open your eyes as you do to shut them, it would surface. That’s such a middle school response. Bobby and team have been nice to give this some runway. The real meat of this discussion doesn’t belong here. It generated conversation so if just one person thought about it objectively, it’s all good. Btw, what yall don’t seem to get about this topic is that your beliefs don’t change my and others present day reality/experiences when it comes to hate, bigotry, racism, misogyny, etc. Simply wishing it wasn’t true, not caring, or thinking it’s overblown, only hurts the discussion and this country’s fiber. You pound the keyboard with a confident ignorance when instead you should be grateful you haven’t lived it and/or maybe grow some empathy for those that do. But, that would take selflessness, integrity, compassion, education, and empathy for someone that doesn’t look/think like you. What you deemed as a mic drop in your last response only cemented your limitations when it comes to this topic. Thankfully, for several of you and me lol, this is the my last response on this thread. 🤘🏽
  5. Stop it. If you don’t get it, you’re part of the issue or willfully ignorant. Your desire to convince yourself that things are in the past it’s why it’s very much in the present. I don’t exchange with people that live with their head in the sand. I wish the ignore button was more prominent so that I could block a good portion of you from this thread.
  6. So we’re A&M in basketball. Great point. Thank you for being cordial while having different view.
  7. lol. KD is under very few. Caliber was cute. It’s really silly to try to argue that Texas has a historically great program. It just isn’t. The comment was made because folks are acting like Texas is owed Pop or Phil. We want to get there but haven’t been and aren’t now.
  8. Absolutely. The difference in how folks called to fire them vs the other 3 is the revelation. Maybe even more instructive to the point because people really started to dump on Herman after he openly supported BLMs and they saw him as “woke”. Is what it is.
  9. Very few difference makers in the nba and have rarely contended for a title.
  10. Texas doesn’t deserve anything. No one is entitled. Yall act like Texas has a great basketball history. Terry is about where we’ve been overall as a program. No one has been the answer and hasn’t shown that he can be but the tone of the comments towards Strong, Shaka and Terry when they’ve not been successful is revealing in itself. Yall still suckling at the teat of beard are an embarrassment. All of us are responsible for our own actions. Period. But as long as he can win games, amirite?
  11. Nothing compares to you by Chris Cornell was unexpected. I’m biased. He could sing the phone book and I’d buy it. Temple of the dog with him and EV had some jams. Rosemary Clooney has a cool cover of “on the road again” by Willie.
  12. Point is he killed it from day without being the proverbial splash hire. Texas brand. Texas rb reputation. Texas NIL. Coach Sark. We’ll get who we need to continue moving forward. Chicken littles get old.
  13. Choice wasn’t a splash hire…
  14. Iced black tea by day. Single barrel or Belgian ale/quad at night, lol. i don’t hate a latte but has to be cold weather.
  15. Holding someone accountable for their actions has nothing to do with empathy, compassion, or hoping they turn things around. He needs to be held to account. Crapping on him because he hurt your football feelings says way more about you than him. He’s a kid and hopefully rehabilitatable.
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