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  1. Very few difference makers in the nba and have rarely contended for a title.
  2. Texas doesn’t deserve anything. No one is entitled. Yall act like Texas has a great basketball history. Terry is about where we’ve been overall as a program. No one has been the answer and hasn’t shown that he can be but the tone of the comments towards Strong, Shaka and Terry when they’ve not been successful is revealing in itself. Yall still suckling at the teat of beard are an embarrassment. All of us are responsible for our own actions. Period. But as long as he can win games, amirite?
  3. Nothing compares to you by Chris Cornell was unexpected. I’m biased. He could sing the phone book and I’d buy it. Temple of the dog with him and EV had some jams. Rosemary Clooney has a cool cover of “on the road again” by Willie.
  4. Point is he killed it from day without being the proverbial splash hire. Texas brand. Texas rb reputation. Texas NIL. Coach Sark. We’ll get who we need to continue moving forward. Chicken littles get old.
  5. Choice wasn’t a splash hire…
  6. Iced black tea by day. Single barrel or Belgian ale/quad at night, lol. i don’t hate a latte but has to be cold weather.
  7. Holding someone accountable for their actions has nothing to do with empathy, compassion, or hoping they turn things around. He needs to be held to account. Crapping on him because he hurt your football feelings says way more about you than him. He’s a kid and hopefully rehabilitatable.
  8. Sad. Isn’t this when folks need support the most? His exit was a sign of his spiraling. We need more empathy in this country not celebrations of a troubled kid falling.
  9. What is your hi to oregon steal ratio?
  10. Seeing him around a normal dude really highlights his size. Big kid. Great interview.
  11. This is 20 years late.
  12. Welcome. Long time admirer from afar other than the blitz. Best of luck on your new journey.
  13. I’m sure you have it but here’s this: https://texaslonghorns.com/staff-directory
  14. http://www.goducks.com/sb_output.aspx?form=36
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