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Everything posted by thatdude2

  1. He also had a style of play that was less entertaining. They thought Smart would bring excitement to Texas and winning in the tournament. It did not happen.
  2. On the flip side it can be tricky preparing for new coordinators and a different set of players without any real film of how the coaches will use the talent they have.
  3. Larry Andersen and Babe Ruth both pitched for the Red Sox. That’s an answer to a trivia question some where.
  4. The Red Sox traded Jeff Bagwell to my Astros for a relief pitcher, and yes, I bang my trash can every now and then just show that my love is real.
  5. James knew, he played this like Mob Boss. He should’ve thrown Bronny in the deal.
  6. If he is a career backup, and takes home 20 million dollars over the next 12 years, is that a success? I would say yes, but then again my occupation is a teacher.
  7. Dia Bell putting in work
  8. Florida about to be more pissed than Aggie that we joined the SEC. My top 6 list of teams to hate Texas: 1. Arkansas 2. OU 3. Florida 4. A&M 5. Georgia 6. Ohio State
  9. I wonder if he balls out and wins the NC, does he go pro because the attention is too much.
  10. Genius, El Senor has received quite few posts on his topic. Bravo, and I have a ton of respect for you. No, I do not wear hats indoors.
  11. Thanks Shane!!!
  12. Taafe Daddy!
  13. The end made me realize Quinn is special, Sark is too.
  14. Hopefully Arch takes it as a slight for not being the first collegiate athlete to sign with Red Bull.
  15. My undefeated prediction in conference play didn’t last long
  16. Stood on his tippy toes and didn’t get caught. Boss move.
  17. Did the same at Oklahoma State, and I hear he is from Pennsylvania.
  18. Arch gave him some film to watch and drills to do, while he took a select few to the game.
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