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Everything posted by thatdude2

  1. Some of y’all tripping. Go coach basketball instead of complaining from the couch pretending that you know it all.
  2. I hate OU. I met Andrew Marsh on Wednesday and I told him I needed them to beat OU. I wouldn’t mind seeing Auburn and Jackson Arnold curb stump OU at OU. They literally hired a 29 year old Arbuckle as OC (brought in his QB coach), but preceded to keep every one of their offensive coaches from last season. If Arbuckle is truly running his offense, he has to teach the other coaches and the players? Smells like a train wreck to me, but who knows maybe Mateer is QB1 in the NFL draft next year.
  3. What did you think about Arch’s celebrations?
  4. We would have played Notre Dame this year not Michigan.
  5. Geigar running into the Punter versus Colorado, or Chris Simms would have won us a natty against Miami. The second is Kelvin Banks missing a block against tOSU, or Ewers leads us to a natty. Third is Gideon's dropped interception against Tech, or Colt leads us to a natty. Three plays, three national championships.
  6. He was hopping over all kinds of 🥷s, I don’t need the 40 and the vert to tell me he is Gronk reincarnated
  7. Everybody at that size and jumping that high are playing basketball.
  8. I was worried he’d be in the 4.5s…he solidified his first round draft stock.
  9. I think Bond could get in the 4.2s, Blue would do really well to get anywhere in the 4.3s. If Blue gets in the 4.2s, he might go 2nd round.
  10. GMs scuttling to go back to look at the film
  11. Brandon Brown, Zion Williams, Sydir Mitchell lol
  12. Barring an unprecedented finish, RT has coached himself out of being a head coach. Coaching 101 is to instill confidence in your players.
  13. Did the Romans give up in Gettysburg when Egypt had them pinned up at the Alamo????? Then we should never give up…no matter the cost.
  14. Most OU fans hat Texas, they misspell Texas, and their recruits, players, coaches, fans and former players throw the hands down signal more than others imo. I’m 42, growing up I thought A&M was our biggest rival until OU kicked our butts the year they won the natty. Living in Texas, I came across so many of the maroon wearing faithful, and there was also a phrase, “40% of the state is Texas fans, 40% of the state are A&M fans, and the other 2O% we don’t care about”. I hate OU though. I want to see them suffer like Nebraska has.
  15. My only issue is what did he do after 2013. I’m pumped about the hire, but if they would have hired Gerry(no shade at Gerry) I would have been pumped.
  16. No reason for Pope to only have 4 shots, and Julian Larry to start over him. There are no more 50 to 60 score type games. They don’t let you play football out there like they did when Barnes was at Texas. You gotta be able to score points, and play defense without putting the other team on the FT line.
  17. I don’t have any inside info, but Melvin Hills imo should be in the top 5. Those 3 DTs transferred out for a reason, and Sark cancelling the Spring Game because he doesn’t want tOSU to be ready for Melvin Hills coming. That’s my conspiracy theory and .02.
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