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  1. Did not know him personally but I am truly surprised how things turned out for him. From all the interviews he gave and how people at Desoto high school talked about him, I would not have thought it would had gone sideways so fast. I know people change and you never truly know someone unless you spend time with them. It’s just really shocking and sad. He was my favorite recruit in his class outside of Arch of course.
  2. If this happens, then Terry Joseph would more than likely move to the safeties coach?
  3. CJ or Gerry, When covering him in high school, was this type of attitude observed. I know sometimes a person can change, but I was just curious if this was something he has been dealing with or if this is recent. It does seem like he is spiraling out of control.
  4. Is this the same high school that Jeremiah Smith attended?
  5. I know Caleb Downs will be the odds on favorite next year for the Thorpe, but I still think Taaffe should at least be a finalist if he plays like he has done the past three years. Texas needs to put a video together of all Taaffe’s game changing plays over the years to help promote him for next year. Downs may be more explosive, but Taaffe has got to have more interceptions and more tackles than him. At least i would think he would as he has been at Texas longer than Downs at Ohio State. Plus, Taaffe’s journey is not like any other DB ( walk-on to scholarship player).
  6. As good of a head coach Kirby Smart is, Sark has NFL experience. He has called plays in the NFL and he knows what it takes to win it all. I don’t know if the Atlanta team he coached on made it to the playoffs while he was there, but I know the Alabama team he was on did. I believe Sark will have the team ready for the next game. Hoping he was just saving Arch for the playoffs. Give the team a whole new identity over the next four games. As much as I would love to have woke up this morning and read how Texas was SEC champions, I would be just as thrilled to read how Texas is national champions in a few weeks. Hook’Em!
  7. Just need to get this off my chest. I am conflicted on how I feel. On the one hand, I am extremely disappointed in the loss. We had a chance to win this game. It’s frustrating because that was a beatable Georgia team. We could have and should have beat them. If we had not missed those field goals or turned the ball over. As Brian Robison said earlier, we should have sucked the life out of them in the first half. To lose to a back up quarterback is irritating. He did not do anything special, but we allowed them to hang in the game and they were able to pull it out. On the flip side, to be competing for an SEC title in our first year was a blessing. Just think where we were three years ago. I am very thankful for where we are now. 11-2 and in the college football playoffs for the second year in a row. We also finished with the number 1 recruiting class, obtained a five star tackle from Georgia and a five star receiver from Florida. I can’t be too upset; however, I just know that when you have an opportunity like today, you have to seize the moment. Last year was a 4 team playoff. We lost to Washington in the semifinals, but we had a chance to win that game in the final seconds and play for a championship. This year we had a chance to win the SEC championship with a stop in overtime. Unfortunately, the game slipped through our fingers again. At some point, we have to take control of the moment, as you never know when you will get another shot at it. Watching Georgia celebrate tonight and listening to the broadcast announcers praise the backup quarterback for playing well in the second half was tough. Their backup did not have a 2021 Caleb Williams type of game tonight. So for us to lose that game is depressing. I hope Sark can figure out what it is that this team does best and maybe we can hit our stride and win the next four games. I am truly excited about Texas’ future next year with Arch. He maybe the missing piece of the championship puzzle. With our nucleus on defense (Hill, Simmons, Muhammad) returning and some missing pieces on offense coming back (Baxter & Clark) maybe our team can be better than this years team. We will need to bring in the right pieces through the portal ( kicker, punter, d-tackles). This is why I say I’m conflicted on how I feel. I believe we will have more opportunities for success in the future, but I sure wished we had seized the moment these past two seasons, as it was there for the taking. Thanks for letting me share.
  8. Gerry, with Terry coming to Texas, does that make it harder or easier for Texas to get Tyler in 2026? I know Kirby will be extra motivated to keep him in state now with everyone talking about the upset of losing out on Terry.
  9. So it was once about winning on the field. Check! Then it was about building relationships. Check! Now it’s about NIL. It’s so true that recruiting is not for the weak at heart. Please explain to me how we are losing recruits with a 11-1 record and a playoff birth two years in a row, but Florida is poaching our recruits and LSU is hanging on to Brandon Brown and Walter Mathis
  10. If Quinn is not full go, then should Arch be the starter Saturday? We were already worried about Quinn when he did not have a bad leg going up against the A&M defense. Now he will really be a sitting target for the A&M pass rush. Would Arch gives us a better shot to put points on the board? His deep throws and running ability, paired with the Texas defense should give us the best chance at winning this game.
  11. Great article and great young man. Hoping for a speedy and successful recovery. Hopefully he will be back on the field soon and still able to obtain those goals he set for himself. With that said, sure wish he was available this season. I have no doubt that we would have beat Georgia with a healthy Cedric Baxter. Nothing against Wisner or Blue, but Cedric is just a different RB. With him in our line up, I would think we would be the favorite to win the CFP.
  12. That’s Highway robbery! In a year when there is no generational backer, Hill was heads and shoulders above everyone else including the finalist. Why they left him out as a finalist is just wrong.
  13. Exactly why I now feel that he is looking for a reason not to come to Texas. It would set up perfectly for him, but yet he still keeps looking at everyone else. Ffrench even told people that one of the reason he liked Texas so much was because he would be catching passes from Arch Manning. I don’t think DK cares who is throwing him the ball. If he did, then I don’t feel LSU would still be getting visits or Oregon would have his commitment.
  14. This is how I have felt as well. I would also add that prior to him picking Oregon over the summer, some people around Duncanville thought Ohio State was going to be his pick. He never came out publicly in favor of Ohio State, but prior to his announcement, he had told a few people it was going to be Ohio State. As much as I hate losing out on him, I am happy with the three that we have committed. If Dakorien wants to be at Texas it’s a different story, but like you stated earlier, he has turned us down twice officially and three times unofficially.
  15. CJ, wasn’t DK Moore just at LSU for the Alabama game? I have always gotten the vibe that his family wanted him at Texas but Dakorien would rather go somewhere else to play college ball.
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