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Ace Recruiter

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Everything posted by Ace Recruiter

  1. I agree 100%, but unfortunately until a coach takes us back at least to the same level beard had us, the talk will continue. Same as Saban to Texas until Sark got it done.
  2. Read the book and watched the movie. A bit of a reach, but ok. Thanks for elaborating.
  3. Lies! He eats at the Dixie chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 🤣
  4. Speaking of Charlie's dark days, the year we got spanked in Ft Worth by TCU, I went to breakfast at the ol south pancake house in FW. We sat at the table next to Bill Little and Craig Way. I had to pick up their tab. Two super humble, gracious gents. I thought it was going to be a great day after that. WRONG!
  5. How much liquor was consumed before they decided to have this conversation? 🤔
  6. Sign her up at HT, ask her what # she wants, give her the keys to her Lambo, beat the gators and call it a day!
  7. His girlfriend realized her meal ticket was about to expire if she didn't recant. So, she did. Why is anybody even considering "if" Beard came back? He's not. He was the perfect choice at the time, what hapenned hapenned and here we are.
  8. My mom always told me if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I'll plead the fifth with this team.
  9. Lol. God forbid someone not agree with you. You do you big guy. Looking forward to your next take on the spring game.
  10. The gooners are like snakes. Can't stand the slimy, dirt traveling scum, but have a little respect for them (on the field) because they can bite you. Agsy is like a bunch of gnats, harmless, but annoying. Every once in a while one gets in your eye and it sucks, but for the most part who cares about them. Hate losing to either, but glad to be neither. 🤘
  11. R-E-L-A-X It's February.
  12. Speaking of coaching news, Coach Vic with a 3 year extension. Capital Grill every week. Congrats Coach!
  13. Yep. Apples and oranges, unless Sark reaches into the NFL ranks for this hire.
  14. How about promoting Chris Gilbert to RB coach? He has a great reputation and would solidify the Horns stronghold on DFW. Definitely a volume recruiter, but not sure how deep his connections go beyond the State of Texas. If Sark is looking to continue his Florida/Georgia connection, Kevin Smith makes a ton of sense. He's from the Miami area and played at Central Floria. He is coaching in Georgia currently. Young, energetic coach on the rise. That checks several boxes.
  15. Are we going to ignore that he got busted for POT in POTtsboro?
  16. Sad. Hope this is rock bottom and he can get back on track.
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