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Everything posted by EHoff99

  1. Losing Fasusi would be a disaster
  2. Could also be Tilmon. That probably would be my guess
  3. I 100% thought this was about Brown so good to know it's not one of our current guys. I would assume it's Trestin Castro, but maybe Hilson. Hopefully good news soon.
  4. Cunningham maybe if they pushed for it. Maybe Orogbo since he's committing in 2 weeks.
  5. Can you give a guess on when either one will go public?
  6. Wonder if this changes A&M’s chances with Linkon Cure at all. I know they would likely take Cure over Kiotti, so moreso wondering if Cure jumps in, if it may lead to Kiotti jumping out.
  7. He seems extremely locked in with Ohio State. You think theres actually a chance Texas could pull him away?
  8. Pretty weird way to view this. Cause then we don’t truly don’t what “somebody of substance” is because we don’t know who will be a hit or miss. No matter what their rating is, getting a player that the coaching staff wants is a good thing. Jaylan Ford was the worst ranked player in his class.
  9. What do you mean “if he makes it to college”? Are there off the field issues?
  10. Would hope the note on the safeties means they feel good about Jonah Williams.
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