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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. That would explain a lot. Watched him for a bit and he made one wow play and then seemed to disappear. Ivey #15 was more disruptive and seemed to make more plays. Overall, signing and paying high end portal talent can be problematic if you sign the wrong guys. If the culture is bad and the buy in is only for the money they will look after their own best interest and not the team.
  2. Spent some time yesterday watching Ole Miss vs Kentucky. Biggest takeaway is the OM defence. More spastically, their portal talent across the board on that side of the ball. I went to their website and noticed that almost all of that side of the ball played for someone else last year. Gerry didn't you mention that they had a lot of success in their talent acquisition due to increased portal budget increases. I would be interested in hearing what you guys think about their performance yesterday in general and specifically Walter Nolan III. He can be a load but seems to take a lot of plays off.
  3. Good read Gerry! Interesting note also...Texas is the only team in your top 10 who is not currently playing with their starting QB! Take away the starting qb from any of the 9 other than Texas and what would the last 2 1/2 games look like? Needles to say, without Arch Manning yesterday might have looked different!
  4. When aggy feels threatened they just promise more $. Remains to be seen where this one goes.
  5. I guess it just "scares you to death?" Are you able to sleep? Does it churn your tummy? 🤪
  6. Really? Massive? How so?
  7. If you want current information you can't get it on your phone. You have to go to the source! Great job Gerry, that's why you're the best at what you do.
  8. Great Job CJ getting this video!!! Being there, getting the content and producing it quickly will always be a winning position. Keep up the good work.
  9. Don't ever associate or listen to stupid people. The more they talk, the more your head will hurt!!!!
  10. You misunderstand my comment concerning not caring about culture. Lanning is a good coach. Difference is he has been playing with Mario's players during that time. Sark came in with the cupboard really bear and had to rebuild. Lanning didn't have to do that. Sark will not sign players who's only concern is the money. Oregon doesn't seem to care about what comes with that or the future impact on locker room blowback from current players.
  11. I'm done with this topic. Time for me to move on.
  12. Bobby, I get it, you know more about this than I do. All I said was the reasons you posted day of the decision were all the right reasons he should have chosen Texas. There is no denying the money and what it changes. That said, he bit the hook on the offer. The facts don't change. He committed to three schools and changed his mind two times. Continuation bias suggests he has a hard time knowing what he wants to do after a bit of time goes by. You raised teenagers just like I did and at that age they change their mind a bunch. Would not be surprised if he reaches out to Texas again, however I'm not sure anyone will answer the call. He is a generational player but would the juice be worth the squeeze in Sarks mind? Thoughts?
  13. I have the highest respect for both Bobby and Gerry as well as others who earn their living in this industry. I still stand by what I said, the money changes peoples lives.
  14. Probably just me putting you on ignore. Apologise if you were not allowed to join because of that.
  15. I can believe there were a bunch of moving parts. Time to move on.
  16. Well said and on target!
  17. When it comes to life changing generational change financially almost nothing will be valued more. Just disagree with you on this one.
  18. Really enjoy Coffee and Football!!! I agree with you guys almost all the time. But not this time! In my experience when people say its not about the money you can be sure it's about the money! And nothing wrong with that. It represents a generational change financially. Does anyone really think a loving and caring mom will come out and say "... they just won the bid so we took it.?" Never!! They took the money over anything else that was offered because that's what they valued most. It didn't matter who will be throwing him the ball or family members desires or any other of the things Bobby mentioned in his piece yesterday as to why he would pick Texas. In the majority of high level recruitments its just about the money. And Oregon both has it and is willing to spend what it takes to win. IMO, everything else said is just cover. Oregon is working off of the same blueprint atm did in 2022 with the same guy pulling the strings and they have both the resources and passion to pull it off. They could care less about impact on team culture. It remains to be seen how it will work. I think long term its still flawed. We'll see.
  19. Gerry, could you see LR bale out for the NFL if things go south for the Trojans this season?
  20. What do you think about that CJ?
  21. Aggy is really good at playing the victim and TA will foster that.
  22. Just read this a few minutes ago. Trev Alberts reminds me a lot of Steve Patterson in how he does business. When SP was AD at Texas he told both the men's and women's tennis coaches that there was no money to build and replace the recently demolished facilities. Both teams would have to play at alternative venues and raise the money to replace it. Truth was the money was already set aside to build a new facility. As history records, Steve didn't last long. Construction on the tennis center just over the left field wall from DF Field began soon after he exited. One thing for sure, if you don't trust and respect your boss you will be looking for an exit strategy. Texas came open and JS walked out the door. As for Trev, the clock is ticking.
  23. Indeed it was GJ!!! Good memory!
  24. Someone ask Kendall if he still keeps up with the former high school DB recruit who when asked his position on the field said..." I play destructive back".
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