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About Jordan91

  • Birthday September 4

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  1. Never going to win another Super Bowl as long as Jerry Jones is alive.
  2. @Gerry Hamilton you need to hit the gym. Stop eating all those wings.
  3. I remember one game it was 32 yards. Hope that was at halftime.
  4. Alabama may jump Texas. Unfortunately Texas beat an overrated Michigan team. Not their fault Michigan has a quarterback that can’t throw a pass to save his life. Georgia is much better than Michigan.
  5. Gerry is high. It would explain his dreams where he is making three after three on the court.
  6. The OP did go a little overboard, but Ewers needs to return for OU and Georgia. I hope next week, but that may be too soon.
  7. The F in this sites name is literally for football. Gerry put out a transfer portal thread for men’s basketball and, at the time it was free. That got me to join and, their sources on possible baseball and basketball recruits is better than three other sites I am on. I love women’s softball, volleyball and basketball. I think it would be great to have a post before each season doing just what the OP said. Simply recap the previous year, new faces and thoughts on the upcoming season.
  8. He just hit 46 yard pass. Unfortunately the receivers knee hit the ground.
  9. Praying for you. You got knocked down. Only way to go now is up. Wake up with a purpose tomorrow. God bless you.
  10. Awesome, so happy for him. Well I have another team to watch.
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