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Alex Butler

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About Alex Butler

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All-American (7/9)

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  1. Wow!! Gotta be a guy who was expected to play and isn’t looking good for them or an undisclosed injury, right?
  2. So sorry to hear @NancyS sending you healing vibes and out of hospital by Xmas! texas 35 baby tigers 6
  3. It didn’t stop people from hiring Kliffy. That dude has been bad everywhere he’s been as a HC, yet he continues to get looks…
  4. So crazy!! I just sold mine for face to a good friend because I just had knee surgery and can’t go. I’m really surprised this wasn’t a hotter ticket except school is out and is so close to Christmas. Hopefully all butts are in seats and we bring it loud and proud Saturday!
  5. DDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNNNN!!!!!! Sweat with the wheels too! Was a TE in HS,
  6. That guy from lake Travis that went to tech and OU…rhymes with Maker Bayfield
  7. “Nobody intros onto ‘the ‘shield’ as generations of tOSU jock supporters lovingly call their field.” -Drunken Buckeye standing proudly by his burning couch
  8. Sounds like DK and Keelon are already out the door’
  9. Oh man! I’m so sorry to hear and that your family is going through that. Yeah 40kg is approx 88 lbs. it’s horrible how quickly it progresses and how rapid the changes are in folks with advanced pancreatic cancer. Sending all the love and support to you and your family!
  10. Prayers for your family and your dad. I work in cancer treatment research and pancreatic cancer is one we need a breakthrough the most because of how aggressive it can be.
  11. I think it’s espn trying to claim Randy, and I think you’re absolutely right it is disrespectful. It’s Hall of Famer and one of the greatest receivers of all time MR. Randy Moss. Love Randy as a player and more as a person and his story is one of perseverance in the face of bigotry and ignorance. Prayer he’ll beat liver cancer as bad as he beat the cowboys for doing him dirty!! Straight Cash Homie!!
  12. Oh no!! Glad you’re feeling better!! Horns 24 Tigers 13
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