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Alex Butler

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First Round Pick

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  1. We can beat Kentucky we know we’ve done it. LFG! Once you’re in all you gotta do is win baby! Let’s get Tre GOING!!
  2. I can’t believe we made it in!! Thanks Aggies lol!
  3. Haha yeah! We wasn’t even the fastest on the day let alone coming close to Worthy’s record. It is too bad he didn’t run better but he can still be a solid wr in the NFL, just not a first rounder like we thought he would be after the first 5 games of the season!
  4. Phew!! Fell asleep after the wild 6th and 7th innings! Glad the horns pulled it out! UW was scrappy bunch it sounds like!
  5. Wow, some explosive half innings there. Time to settle in get a couple back and finish this sucker out!
  6. Is there any way to watch/stream this game?
  7. Hahaha no bet, but there IS a chance. As Wayne would say “sha’ and monkeys could fly outta my butt” also this 😂😂😂
  8. Haha maybe not for RT plus we’d get a nice payout for Tre J. Such a shame to waste another generational talent with mediocre team around him.
  9. If we win out and win SEC tourney we can math our way in.
  10. That was so weak, don’t call that crap right there. It wasn’t even a could let alone flagrant.
  11. 1000% agree although football has gotten that way more and more too haha. Turn out the toughest minded athletes are the lady Longhorns!
  12. I like Wade and Murray at this point. Pitinonis interesting but I just don’t think he’s his dad or ever will be in a lot of good ways but don’t think he’s a good fit for Texas. It’s unfortunate but this team has never felt cohesive all season yet we keep getting projected in. Hopefully tonight quashed those dreams. We don’t need to make the tourney and a magical run to jumpstart the program. We need someone focused and committed to creating a winning culture, prioritizing improvement, preparation, and execution offensively and defensively.
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