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  1. He's also probably not interested in having his program have to count pennies to balance that Jimbo buyout.
  2. But they could start a brawl. No, wait, that was a Chris Mack joint.
  3. 2002-2011 was the best decade of Texas basketball by a mile.
  4. Barnes couldn't recruit in Texas as he once had.
  5. This is the problem. A money-whip (TM) only works when someone is willing to be whipped. If you have a pretty good-sized bank account by your own standards and don't want to lose the biggest job you might get in two years... you stay where you are.
  6. For those wondering: I'll believe it when I see it.
  7. Acknowledging this will require ability to observe.
  8. I dunno about preferring DeVries to Chris Beard, if that was a thing.
  9. I don't think he was, but as I have explained to people for years, the hard thing is not to talk about his team when he is out of the room, but to explain to him when he gets back in the room that his team is OUT and this is WHY it's out. I am not sure that a team under consideration that has had a rep on the committee has ever been left out. I'm sure it has happened but it is rare. First thing I thought of when I saw that they were in. And they were the last team in. The vice chair said UNC would have been out if Memphis had lost, but I wonder.
  10. Well.... yeah. But most coaches at this level end up failing. They get fired. Texas could afford, if they really wanted to do it, to hire a tested, great coach for men's basketball. They've never really done that. Beard was the closest thing to that, having made a FF. But he was an alum -- not that makes him less of a coach, but rather gave Texas an in to offer a deal at roughly market to someone who was inclined to accept it. Should they end up making a change here, people need to watch this carefully. With the standard CDC has set with his own words, the financial investment to do that is way beyond what they have done in the past, especially with the added cost of compensating the talent. We'll all see it, and judge accordingly.
  11. There is a zero point zero chance that Jay Wright is coming back to college basketball.
  12. If they have the money for the buyout, God bless 'em.
  13. That’s what you get when the other team is about 45 minutes away.
  14. So who is the coach with the achievements of Schloss that CDC will have to land?
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