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Tuco Ramirez

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Everything posted by Tuco Ramirez

  1. My liver won’t survive 30-29.
  2. Encouraging but I hope the locker room isn’t paying attention to this.
  3. The rule is stupid. I have no problem with him exploiting it. This is more of an NCAA problem.
  4. Thanks Bobby. This is a great segment. I’m guessing we’ll see a lot of empty formations against Georgia.
  5. Miami is a joke. They’ll get prison sexed in the ACC championship. Likely lose a very winnable game before then too. No defense and an overrated QB who routinely spots teams 7-14 points.
  6. You didn’t hear Damonic’s name much either.
  7. The fighting’ Lincoln Rileys dropped another one. 😂
  8. I don’t buy Bama as the number 7 team.
  9. Damn. Bama going to win.
  10. They got lost on the way to their own stadium. We’re just waiting for them to show up.
  11. I’m getting there. And ou still sucks.
  12. They had a bad second half against Georgia, we’re beat by Vandy, and aren’t impressive today. This is more than a bad game. This is 8 consecutive quarters of suckage.
  13. I’m going to wet myself with laughter if South Carolina wins this.
  14. Makes me feel better about Georgia.
  15. These morning games are pretty unimpressive.
  16. This. Can we please get past Fasusi.
  17. CJ on fire! 😂
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