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  1. You can never have too many quality pass rushers. It’s a reason only QBs and WRs are paid more in the NFL
  2. You sound like a big cry baby because the dude doesn't align with your holistic views. Like holy crap. You didn't say this last time he was a guest but now all of a sudden it's an issue? The reason this guy is on is because he has a good YT channel and we're playing Georgia.
  3. Highly doubt. Seems like one of those decisions you make after signing day
  4. I saw on Facebook that arch is flipping
  5. They need dudes period, There is no guarantee that Baxter will be ready by beginning of the season or Clark.
  6. Who are you to determine that?
  7. The freshmen RB from ULM is entering the portal, we should 100% be pursuing given the uncertainty going into next year.
  8. Well it's percentage base based on conference payouts so it could be more than 22 million or less depending. One thing all people need to realize is revenue sharing isn't NIL. Also revenue sharing is for all sports, not just football. I'd assume football would get a lot of that but you will have to use it for other sports as well.
  9. My favorite thing is when they tried to 501c3 their NIL but quickly disbanded it because they knew they couldn't properly run it under 501c3 guidelines.
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