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  1. I don't think our SEC tournament seeding is going to affect our NIT invite. We should be solid there.
  2. Or, getting a coach that knows how to utilize his budget! I also think someone that at least has some offensive foundation skills would be nice as well.
  3. Well, I'm not sure ole miss' empahsis on roundball is the same as texas........ llets make sure we compare oranges to oranges.
  4. I am not sure of the consternation. They were not going to win anything with him there. This whole thing is like being P'ed off when the pretty girl doesn't go home with you......... sadly she doesn't even know your name.
  5. There will always be haters. There will always be it's the coach's fault.........side note: yesterday I went to my favorite men's store. The salesman knows I am all orange. He says, "You guys need a new coach! Terrible play call at the end.". I replied that " no we just need the right tackle to make a routine block for the number 3 team in the country.".................... So I am agreeing with Jorday91. Pashion is great. But if I wanted to immerse myself in finger pointing criticism, I would read the Austin American or any of the other Texas InfoSites. Let's let evaluate RT at the end of the year. If he doesn't meet expectations, I am confident management will make a move.
  6. i wore number 60 my entire football life.
  7. I hope all the QE haters saw that game. That is what college football looks like with bad quarterbacking. Frankly, I saw better QBing in the 6A championship games.
  8. I think a lot of this BS is from Aggie. A never-ending stream confirming their massive inferiority complex. If he comes to UT, then great. If not, his loss. Its not like we dont have players.
  9. Why? He was a very good college quarterback. He was as fundamentally sound as any college QB. KState runs a tight ship. It is no nonsense, hit'em in the mouth football. He has a good initial coaching tree. Frankly he has made chicken salad out of chicken ****. You measure a coach by what he does with what he has..............not what you want or hope for. ( To support my remarks, see the clown at USC)
  10. The common denominator here is Steve Patterson. A guy that has had a number of great jobs but ultimately failed miserably. For the life of me, I never understood why UT hired him. His track record was clearly pitiful. UT simply mirrored his history. As for Mack, old coaches and business execs, they always think they can recapture the magic. Sadly, once the Jeanie is out of the bottle, it is all over.
  11. The age old 'Will he make it to campus question" is changing because of NIL. Unless a high schooler is a first or maybe second rounder, NIL and college is a better route. And now you add the competition of the SEC. Unless MLB throws millions at a kid there is no reason to go MLB.
  12. It doesn't matter who the coach is. Until Jerra turns the reins over to Stevie, nothing significant is going to happen. Jerry just doesn't understand that the worst thing in professional sports is to be in the 'middle tier'. You have to go to the bottom for 3-4 years and accumulate draft picks. Then you rise from the dead. But once the downward trend starts you need to bail out and start over. This is not just football. It is all the 3 major sports. Bottom,. then top...........and hang there until your star gets old......................ie Lebron, Altuve and Verlander, Duncan, Etc. PS: I live in San Antonio. The rumor is that Popovich is still waiting for Duncan to make his comeback!
  13. I too would like to see more off tackle slants and QB escapes. However, Florida routinely had 6 in the box. Their defensive philosophy was 'stop the run dead' and QE will wilt under pressure. That philosophy didn't really work. Ultimately the volume of swings forced the linebackers to stay put! Swing passes are really just outside runs. To be accurate, those things should be removed from passing stats and added to run stats.
  14. Personally, I think a better solution would have injury timeouts charged as a team timeout. Frankly, a lot of those nicked guys can get off the field. I also think any 'injured' player should have to sit out a minimum number of plays..........like 10 or so
  15. As someone who has had relatives coach there, and a client that coach there, I feel fairly certain that the 'plan', is 'No PLAN'. No one of significance associated with Rice gives a damn about athletics (or P.E. for that matter). You can probably still find a few folks hanging around the R Club (or whatever they call it now) reminiscing about Dicky Moegle, Bubby Dial and Rice Stadium filled to capacity. These guys have no clue about minor league football. Rice is where old coaches go to retire. Seriously, Rice is a really really special place.........but not for football players. If you want to be a world class chemist, or engineer, or astrologer, or doctor........then it should be your desired destination.
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