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Everything posted by aaronstein5

  1. I guess we will find out in 9 months!
  2. Both teams and coaching staffs looked absolutely dreadful. How does Elmo’s team squander a lead like that. How does Riley offense look so terrible?
  3. But @Bobby Burton, Sark shouldn’t have called those lower percentage plays. @Gerry Hamilton. Also at the end of the 4th why call a slow developing play with one option for Quinn. Yes I agree Quinn should be better but the o line, play calling didn’t help. And let’s not forget we should have had 6 points that Auburn failed to connect. That’s just flat out terrible. Those 6 points proved to be one of the differences despite Quinn’s issues.
  4. How many Hi’s?
  5. Cornell could take any song and make it great. His range was so good. Have you heard the mash up he did to u2 one w Metallica one lyrics?
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