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Bobby Burton

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About Bobby Burton

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Lifetime Longhorn

Lifetime Longhorn (9/9)

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  1. Everyone is welcome at the Yuengling tent for sure!!! Tailgating for Texas-OU is much different than other places. Most people are actually inside the fair and just walking around.
  2. I'd caution anyone and everyone to talk about "culture" prior to them getting on campus, especially if its surrounding an early decision or what have you. It just doesn't translate in that way at all.
  3. I’ll watch some football and spend some time thinking about the following Saturday!
  4. I'd like to understand how OU plans to attack Anthony Hill because I don't think it'll be in the run game.
  5. Would be cool if Texas got Michigan on the regular. I really enjoyed that trip. Oklahoma could really benefit from rekindling their rivalry with Nebraska.
  6. Good stuff! Origin stories are always a good trip down memory lane.
  7. They're not losing, they're just running out of time.
  8. Every single post or thread from this weekend. So I don’t know if this has been posted. But it’s worth a double post just in case it got buried somehow. Nick Townsend is what you call a baller. Here he’s playing quarterback. Just watch.
  9. Really good football player. Another multiple sport varsity athlete - football, basketball and track.
  10. Michigan has consecutive conference wins in which their QB did not pass for 100 yards.
  11. Love stuff like this. For the young ones out there, there once was an entire track oval surrounding the field!
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