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Everything posted by jonbailey

  1. I wish both of them the best of luck moving forward
  2. I agree. He put up a post showing some of the outside training he has been doing that looked impressive
  3. TexAgs is a weird place, kind of like a reddit just for aggies. I can be really fun place to see meltdowns or hot takes that are nowhere based in reality. The funny thing is most folks in town believe what they read on the site. You normally have to bring actual reporting for them to pause and consider that maybe user: Ag2023Natty doesn't know the amount of NIL a recruit was paid or if an opposing player is homosexual. I think Lucci is constantly telling ags what they want to hear, for better or worse.
  4. Is it too soon to pick them dead last in the Big Ten?
  5. I'm surprised by this. I thought there was concern about lowering the scholarship limit in a cost cutting maneuver. Adding 20 scholarships means at least one more scholarship at every position. Does this mean the blue bloods will take an increased percentage of top recruits or that more schools will go hard at one or two top recruits with the focus being playing time.
  6. Getting Elon invested in Texas football would be an absolute game changer. Not sure he cares much about sports though. I can't speak about Twitter / X but my Tesla works great and Starlink is awesome.
  7. I don't follow college baseball very closely. How quickly do high-school players adjust to the college game? I know football players typically need time to get bigger and stronger but that seems less important in baseball.
  8. That's about how I see it too. Although I don't think the georgia game will go well if we lose in the cotton bowl. I like Texas's chances in Ann Arbor but of your critical 4, OU and A&M are the must win games imo.
  9. Advertising on refs clothing is a risky brand strategy. "Come on throw the flag, what are you too busy drinking duncan donuts coffee!" "Use the preparation H to get the stick of your butt ref, that was holding!" Imagine all the negative feelings you would have towards doritos after Kevin Mar spent 12 minutes trying to decide a targeting call on your star safety.
  10. This was good timing by Arch. Adds even more interest in the game. Makes you wonder if this was the plan the whole time. Hearing reports he earned a cool $50k for that little comercial
  11. I am lighting fireworks if he announces Texas!
  12. https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/perhaps-duke-fans-can-offer-aggie-some-pointers-on-recovering-from-having-a-coach-stolen/113907583/ Link is to another site where, helpfully, someone laid down Mike Elko’s quotes about staying at Duke the day before leaving on a plane in the middle of the night. Every single Aggie I have spoken with has said the same thing. I wouldn’t be mad except he lied in that press conference. I called BS on them and brought up that every fan base gets mad if the coach leaves for a better job. Shloss could have sang the Aggie war hymn and then politely informed them he was taking his talents to Austin and the outrage would be exactly the same. If Lincoln Riley had explained point blank that he would rather get paid more to coach in an easier conference in beautiful climate OU would still hate his guts. It just stinks, take the L and move on.
  13. I like having Bo on staff and thought his development of players was great. Coburn, Ojomo, Sweat, and Murphy all raved about him. That being said he did leave a hole in the roster. LSU is a strong program so he still has a lot to offer despite not being at Texas. I hope Kenny Baker is a great replacement but Bo has more skins on the wall.
  14. Appalachian state didnt think so
  15. I'm still here waiting for the screenshots of burner phone calls and the pending NCAA investigation /s
  16. This is hilarious. The other guys halfway think she is joking and she is dead serrious. I don't know if the rest of the world really understands the aggies.
  17. The vibes are incredibly low in College Station currently. Doom and gloom is the order of the day. It's not quite the same feeling as coming up short, more "we are never gonna get there". Lots of talk about losing their coach to Texas and undoing all the progress in that sport. The potential of losing the coach is crushing a lot of spirits. Last week it was impossible for Texas to lure away Schlossnagle, now it seems almost inevitable. Big brother once again taking your favorite toy.
  18. Where is Rob B to defend the honor of the sub 6ft DB?
  19. Can't wait to see who this is. Got a good feeling
  20. Apparently it started as joke between players where they would say "Whammy" after a homerun. A player added bubbles to the dugout celebration and soon fans were doing it after every run. They think it's really cool. Like most aggie traditions, some random guy did a thing and the next guy did it too so it became a tradition. From my experience, aggies really like traditions and dream of being the guy who starts one.
  21. I live in College Station and work mostly with Aggies. It's not ideal but it pays the bills. Thought I would start a post and add color on the local sentiment in the area. Recent activity: Aggies are very pumped about making the mens baseball championship. They are very aware that in their lifetime this is the first time something like this has happened. Like really really aware. If anyone thinks the baseball coach is leaving for Austin he will have to walk through a wall of money to do so. The aggs who got removed from the CWS for talking about the Florida batboy who passed away have been excommunicated. I've heard the locals defend some pretty rough stuff but thankfully folks seem to agree that crossed a line. Lastly the university put up a juneteenth celebratory post that had to have comments removed. To say the least, social media followers of the university were not especially high on a holiday that marks the end of chattel slavery in America. Regards, your correspondent in College Station.
  22. Romance Taylor. I dont remember the score but dude was unstoppable/ catchable
  23. Glad you clarified, I was worried we might be losing a DL committ
  24. Exactly, don't call out someone else if you haven't put in the work. Glad the best in the business are here at OTF putting in the work. Thanks for all that you do @Gerry Hamilton Once again nothing against the other folks
  25. I could see getting a little miffed after spending hours and hours of your life driving to keep up with recruits and then a colleague runs his mouth a little. I've been a member of all three sites previously have enjoyed good work out of all. OTF is the best for my money
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