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Everything posted by taxsaver

  1. hmmm...not exactly sure what you mean...but maybe you don't want to get into that...
  2. I didn't see any of it, but I'm glad you're taking care of it. And just how bad could the secondary have REALLY been when we averaged giving up just 18 points per game in the Big 12?
  3. I meant, "11"...he will beat most of those other 10
  4. Oh, and AD Mitchell may not be Bob Hayes...who is?...but he's going to do VERY WELL in the NFL...and 4 of the 8 WRs going ahead of him will be out of the NFL in 4 years... NFL= NOT FOR LONG
  5. I don't apologize for his language. "it's BULLSHIT"...yeah that's right, "BULLSHIT"
  6. Good luck to him...I have to admit I thought he'd be a star...he ain't bad, though
  7. yeah...he was born in the NE...but he got here as fast as he could...I'll give him resident Texas status for that⛳
  8. hmmm...maybe...but I seriously doubt they would have Griffin here this weekend is they really cooled on him...I guess we'll find out soon
  9. no one really commenting...but Will Griffin is THE big fish...no way Sark allows him to leave without an offer
  10. whoops...read that too fast...tax season is killing me! lol
  11. wow...never heard of him...and now he commits? whoa
  12. I can't "like" a post? ????
  13. awesome commit...keep 'em comin'
  14. with D Moore and Ffrench in this weekend we'll just have to see...later...except those recruitments will go down to the wire
  15. hmmm...just who is it doing this considering?
  16. The truth is that it all depends on how it all plays out. If he's all-world in 2025, then I would think he goes in the 2026 draft. I'm not making any predictions, I'm just an interested observer. As for 2024...we play so many games that Arch is likely going to see at least SOME time...if the unthinkable happens and Ewers misses time because of injury, then Arch is next up and we'll see just how good he is THIS year...but my guess is that he will improve without regard to all that that and 2025 will answer what Arch...and we want to know...and the NFL
  17. He's got serious potential...which of course is all ANY highschooler has...not as good as Brown or Guidry at this point...but he's big and fast...he could definitely be used in some goal line packages on offense...
  18. Interesting stuff, Gerry. Thanks for the info. You da man!
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