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Burnt Orange Horn

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Everything posted by Burnt Orange Horn

  1. Amphetamines work in about 20 minutes on a full stomach.
  2. .... should have beaten ..... It is a strong verb.
  3. You heard people say ..... πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  4. .... piqued your interest ..... Homonyms with different meanings.
  5. Face mask to face mask does not involve the crown of either helmet. There was no launch nor lowering of the helmet, either. I saw it not called in another game this year.
  6. Who out coached whom?
  7. UO and UW are on the quarter system.
  8. He has 5 days after his team's last games as he is already enrolled.
  9. Come on down Ryan Williams!!! 🀘🏻🏈🀘🏼🏈🀘🏈🀘🏽🏈🀘🏾🏈🀘🏿
  10. He needs to improve on route running and ball catching. He could move up in the draft if he returned.
  11. Lourd developed and became more than passable. I wonder whatever became of Charles Wright? πŸ€”
  12. I believe Jackson did play some TE in high school.
  13. Soon to be third greatest Texas Football Coach.
  14. One has to be very small-minded person to run down another at the time of his death. I pity you.
  15. Ketamine abuse and cartography do not blend well.
  16. It is quite quiet among the Taaffe detractors. Good. 🀘🏻🀘🏼🀘🀘🏽🀘🏾🀘🏿
  17. Probably poor route running too.
  18. Ah, I did not remember that. No official visit, though. Right?
  19. Funny Maalik beat Ewers at the Elite 11 by winning the accuracy segment. πŸ€”
  20. Surly Horns photo shopped?
  21. I eliminate an Aggie every morning then I flush it. 🀘🏻🀘🏼🀘🀘🏽🀘🏾🀘🏿
  22. Which I predicted pre season. Super sweet moment for me as well as the OSU domination. "We never saw that team on film." β€” Mike GundyπŸŽ₯
  23. Vanderbilt and Arky were the only teams which helped Texas' SOS. 😟
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