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About Jordan91

  • Birthday September 4

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Lifetime Longhorn

Lifetime Longhorn (9/9)

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  1. We are in the best basketball conference in the country. If we want to win a lot then we have to pay.
  2. Coach Millers job to get the best players. Getting harder to do with the ever growing BS money some want.
  3. @Gerry Hamilton Pitino went to Xavier
  4. What did Kansas State get out of Hawkins? Didn’t even make the tournament. Kansas? Ridiculous.
  5. Just posting that to see how much some kids think they are worth.
  6. ESPN is back on but talking about the cowboys.
  7. Could have done that with Toppin last year. Coach Pitino sure can find talent.
  8. Dude was a bulldog. Loved watching him play.
  9. That’s a serious number on that jersey.
  10. Yes, the guy you were screaming so loud for only made him more enticing Texas. All you got was one win nobody will remember. And money you no longer have because you paid to travel to the game. Shut up and start a support group with Jay Bilas!
  11. @Gerry Hamilton is 2.2 or 1.2? On OTF live you said 1.2 to start.
  12. He would be a six foot one inch off guard. All year he couldn’t get around SEC point guards. That’s why Larry replaced him as a starter for a while.
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