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Everything posted by Jordan91

  1. I don’t understand it at all. What else does the kid have to do?
  2. Seeing a lot of improvement. Would like to see more Pryor. Pope has been terrible in three straight second halves. I wish RT would not give everyone the take the shot if you get the ball order. Pope is struggling right now.
  3. Hurts but they got a good look. Much better road performance than Florida. They are definitely improving.
  4. I don’t think Ole Miss will fall off the map. They have two tough games coming up. The loss is unfortunate because it was right there. I thought you meant that Ole Miss was going to free fall from here on out and it would look like a bad loss. Misinterpreted what you were saying. My fault.
  5. Didn’t know winning two of three against ranked teams is sunshine pumping. You are none stop negativity. Beard had lost three straight. Negative Nancy.
  6. Yeah but Texas had their chances. I think they have shown a lot of improvement. They need to string some more wins together.
  7. How so? Beard’s lost three straight before this one. Texas has won two of three against ranked teams. Beard has Auburn and Kentucky next.
  8. Great analysis. They beat back to back ranked teams and had a chance to win this one. Wake up man.
  9. Life on the road in the SEC. Let’s see if they can get this one.
  10. Has not played so it’s a quick nervous shot.
  11. Pointless foul by Mark has led to this.
  12. First time I have seen Kaluma take a bad shot in more than a month.
  13. I don’t think he knows he can dribble.
  14. Kent seems to completely freeze every time he gets the ball.
  15. I just don’t want to go backwards like they did with the Florida game.
  16. He started out probable for last game, so until I see him in shoot around, he’s game time decision for me.
  17. Honestly your title is true. Win or lose RT will be blamed.
  18. Even Barnes best team have struggles with offense. Sometimes it’s like watching paint dry. It’s why I thought Texas had a chance against the this year. A few years back they played Virginia and both scored under fifty. Barnes always wants to be the number one defense in the country. Well you can’t win if the score is 0-0.
  19. Not necessarily. Barnes often lets teams hang around.
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