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Everything posted by GetHooked

  1. I hate it when I scatter shoot. I have more fun when I shoot tight groupings.
  2. Thanks. Not changing the account name. Just the credit card.
  3. If I renew now, does that mean it is renewed NOW and I lose the remaining portion of my current subscription?
  4. Beginning to think we are all trapped in the matrix and there is no way out.
  5. My annual subscription is going to renew this month. I'm pretty sure I used a card last year that I no longer use. How can I change it? Where is the file located?
  6. Anyone but Gus Fring would be a step in the right direction, imo.
  7. Parker Livingstone will become a household name.
  8. Osborne, yes. Haven't read about the others.
  9. Difference is that Chris was starting from scratch. Khenon already has a relationship with the backs. You might be comparing apples to oranges.
  10. I think Khenon Hall would be a great hire. He's already a good recruiter. With the Texas brand to sell, he'll be even better.
  11. My top 3 guesses would be Livingstone, Wingo and Manning.
  12. Man, I'd hate to see QE winding up in Cleveland. That's where QB careers go to die.
  13. There are only 2 things I drink. Coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day.
  14. I'm hoping for the guy from USC -Doug Belk Or the one from Florida - Will Harris
  15. Times have changed. I'll bet Sark gets a lot of input from PK and Nansen.
  16. Born in Bayonne, NJ. Grew up in Cranford, NJ. I was 15 when I decided I could not stand cold weather. Applied to the University of Texas and came sight unseen. When I landed in Austin a taxi dropped me off at the corner in front of Jester Center. Gregory Gym was just across the street. It was 99 degrees that day without a cloud in the sky. The first 3 girls that walked by were gooood looking. I thought, "Oh yeah. We home Jim."
  17. I quoted one of the turd's posts. I told him that I thought he was a shill for Charlie Strong by some of the comments he made. Not real inflammatory. At the time, I had about 6 months left on an annual sub. He didn't just ban me for a week like Ketch would have done. You know, where I could read and not post. No that fat POS just cut my sub off. I couldn't even read the content that I had paid for. What a phucking loser. (Just changed my mind. I wouldn't punch his face. I'd rather kick him in the balls.)
  18. Higdon was a real turd. The only mod on any site that I actually wanted to punch in the face. Total POS.
  19. Ain't that the truth!
  20. Anything bad that happens with fOSU gets me gruntled. Watching "cesspool" Herbie cry is even better.
  21. My first clue was the Nancy thing in your handle.. I guess that and your avatar.
  22. When I was a student at UT, Roosevelt and a guy named Lonnie Bennet used to go to the Gregory gym annex at least twice a week to play basketball. We played a lot of pickup basketball games. I used to guard Rosey a lot. As a basketball player,........well, he was a good football player. He was also a terrific guy. Quiet but had a good sense of humor. One time I told him, "If I was a defensive back and I was the only thing between you and scoring a touchdown, you were going to score. Whether you made a move or not, I was going to dive at it, and you were going to score untouched." He just chuckled. There was no way I was going to get in front of him trying to make a tackle.
  23. The only thing I would change is the excessive use of the phrase, "Hook Em". ????????
  24. @Bobby Burton As far as taking all the 5-star players without doing evaluations, IT DOESN'T WORK. Coker did that at Miami and he killed the program and lost his job. Like you said, it has more to do with your own evaluations and program and scheme fit.
  25. Steve gonna fix it! That guy looks in the mirror to assign blame more than any coach I remember. I like the way he holds himself accountable.
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