Swindle can't find Singletary. 20-16.
Next time she does for a dink. 21-16.
Akana serve long. 21-17.
Kahahawai/Ames block. 22-17.
Carlson service error. 22-18. Texas challenges. Looked in to me.
Miz opposite kill falls just in. 17-14.
Singletary off speed tap finds court. 18-14.
Miz opposite crosscourt falls in. 18-15.
Skinner opposite dink finds court. 19-15
Kahahawai opposite kill off block. 20-15. Timeout Miz.
miz kill. 12-11 Miz.
Wenaas kill. 12 all.
Skinner kill. 13-12 Texas.
Miz kill. 13 all.
Skinner kill to back middle open court. 14-13. Texas.
Rutherford just beat a hole into the court. 15-13 Texas. Rutherford hitting .538. No one else hitting better than .167.
Ok, Ames is hitting .200 but on just 5 swings.
Miz from opposite down line after long rally. 8 all.
Miz middle kill. 9-8 Miz.
Miz hit it into the seats. 9 all.
Perfect pass, set, kill by Miz. 10-9 Miz.
Kahahawai kills it from opposite side. 10 all. Most of her shots have been deflected, but that one was untouched.
Ames/Wenaas block. 11-10 Texas.
Rutherford block error. 11 all.
Miz middle hit wide. 6-5 Texas.
Singletary block after long rally. 7-5.
Singletary in net trying to block. 7-6.
Skinner blocked on weak side. 7 all.
Singletary dink. 8-7 Texas.
BTW, the Miz coach is not bald. She's also not a dude.
Halter can't keep the dig in bounds. 1-0 Miz.
Skinner kill. 1-1. Crushed it.
Rutherford kills it cross court after halter dign. 2-1 Texas.
Skinner kill. 3-1. Looking like what we should be.
Miz kill. 3-2.
Skinner dink wide. 3 all.
Overpass. Miz kill. 4-3 Miz.
Freeball by Texas leads to Miz kill. -3.
Rutherford off block. 5-4 Miz.
Skinner off block. 5 all.
We're hitting just .109 on the match. We have more service return errors than blocks. Like GoHorns1 said, this has been really sloppy play. I'd even say lazy.
Time for Elliott to tear into some people for lack of focus.
Skinner ace. 20-17. We need a run.
Wenaas hit way long. 21-17.
Singletary block. 21-18. One on one.
Ames hit from middle. 21-19.
Miz kill. 22-19.
Another mis-handled serve. 23-19.
Swindle and Ames mis-connect. 24-19.
Overpass. Set Misery 25-19.
Our service return was awful that set.
Mix challenge. Ball in. 17-15 Miz.
Miz ace. Skinner missed another one. 18-15.
Kahahawai blocked hitting strongside. 19-15.
Miz ace, Miz serve error. 20-16.
We are back to hitting .140 after dropping to about .050 at one point early in this set. Kahahawai and Rutherford lead at .333, with Rutherford leading with 5 kills.
Rutherford dink finds empty court. 13-12.
Skinner sends a laser into far corner. 13 all.
Miz kill. 14-13.
Miz hit long. 14 all.
Halter serving. Still looking for the long run with her serving. Not happening here after a junk point in which no one made a real swing . 15-14 Miz.
Singletary blocked middle. 16-14.
Miz serve error. 16-15.
Really long rally ends with Miz hit long. 16 all
Rutherford kill, Skinner kill. 13-10. Sorry, but tab crashed and some pxp was lost.
Ames kill of overpass. 13-11 Misery. Great comeback from being down 8-1.
Singletary kill middle. 8-2. I'll never understand why we don't set the middle more.
Miz kill from middle. 9-2.
Miz attack hits the pole. 9-3.
Miz middle kill. 10-3.
Miz ace. 11-3. Our service return stinks this set.
Kahahawai off block. 11-4.
LOOOOnnnnnnngggg rally ends with Miz hit long. 11-5.
Akana ace. 11-6.
Another poor service return led to Miz kill. Then Skinner was blocked. 7-1.
Skinner misses return and it skips off her arms into the stands. 8-1.
We be asleep or something.
Skinner blocked. 1-0 Misery.
Halter flubbed return. Texas free balls it over. Center kill MIz. 2-0.
Another botched return, but rescued, and rutherford gets a kill. 2-1.
Miz middle kill. 3-1 Misery.
Singletary crushed one but it went wide. 4-1.
Skinner sent a laser long. 5-1. timeout Texas.
Passes in serve return are pretty spotty right now.
I might not make it through the whole match. I opened a polling place today, and we had pretty heavy turnout.
Ames sent a middle hit right back and Wenaas finished point with a kill. 21-16.
Miz kill. 21-17.
Joust at the net ended with ball on Miz side and middle hit. 21-18.
Another middle hit by Miz. 21-19. timeout Texas.
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