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  1. Well it's percentage base based on conference payouts so it could be more than 22 million or less depending. One thing all people need to realize is revenue sharing isn't NIL. Also revenue sharing is for all sports, not just football. I'd assume football would get a lot of that but you will have to use it for other sports as well.
  2. My favorite thing is when they tried to 501c3 their NIL but quickly disbanded it because they knew they couldn't properly run it under 501c3 guidelines.
  3. Okafor and DJ said it depends on his testing if he's drafted. They also mentioned that even if not drafted he will definitely make a 53 man. Also was there a Blue update?
  4. Is Texas having exit interviews this week or will they wait until after CCG?
  5. You've mentioned home in two threads, it has zero impact. Strictly NIL....
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