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Everything posted by TTown

  1. Just for reading this waste of a post I'm wearing hats indoors everywhere I go nowπŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. I know all universities can play with #'s , but still we ran a 7 million surplus vs OSU 37 million deficit. Also clearly shows football pays for all other sports. Still bloated at the Administration level I bet, and expect some changes there. Schools don't want show too much profit imo, so they play with the #'s. Because the players and others are watching and will undoubtedly want more of the pie🀣🀘
  3. Now the tutors gotta get him caught up on 11 missed class days🀣. JK but today was the add deadline so awesome get.🀘
  4. Should know something soon no matter. The 29 th Wednesday is the last day to add a class with approval. I know exceptions can be made for athletes in extraordinary cases, but still should know this week period. Full team workouts start tomorrow as well. We will see and hopefully good news coming🀘
  5. Worth a look for sure. We have no idea what DT's may enter next portal. Plus if any good the price $ will be high , so why not. Obviously we are interested , and may get a coach from The OSU 🀣 he is familiar with.
  6. Gotta be able to score in the 80's most of the time. As good as Johnson is , I don't see us doing that consistently. So no imo. If they get in it will be a quick exit, and CDC can make the new hire. Pretty sure secret plans are underway. Wouldn't be doing his job if not. And he is damn good at his job.🀘
  7. Always rumors but FWIW an OSU Board is saying he had issues with Day after Oregon loss. And bad issues with Larry Johnson DL coach and things got personal etc. Take it FWIW but at least OU got shafted 🀣. Of course 3 mil$ a year for 3 years helps to make a decision easier as well. Love to see Chip go next !!
  8. Laugh at everybody worried about tampering. There are no rules , so hell yeah we better be tampering like everybody else. Sark says adapt or die so...ha! Of course you still have to mindful of culture etc. And always can be consequences as in losing someone to the next portal from our receiver room. But worth it in this case imo!
  9. Found Howe's Burner account begging for a job🀣
  10. Just don't let him have control over posts. He will lock every thread😭.Way too thin skinned for me . Nah OTF is just fine now. Wanna hire somebody get some more new blood imo respectfully.
  11. Sure powers that be expected this and more legal issues. I never felt the House Case would be implemented for the 25 season, just too many things to muck it up. Maybe 26. We will see if Congress finally decided to act as well. Next few months will be interesting to say the least.
  12. Yes was waiting on his take. Have read some things on why but won't put it out here now. Not good if true, but a blind man could see he was in trouble. Despite my feelings about how he kept tweeting bad things about Texas, hope he gets the help he needs and soon!
  13. Yeah I saw that but wasn't what I was talking about. More from a Mod on the Washington Board. On the team as of now was mentioned, and more to come on the story. Will see, some say it's fake . Always gotta be careful with troll accounts that's why I put more credence by Mods on the Washington Boards. Something seems to be going on, time will tell.
  14. Washington Board and other media. There is a lot of smoke so...
  15. Ha yeah missed workouts and altercations is the word was dismissed already. Smh
  16. You should know better. He is not declaring and doesn't even start. Probably confused with Hayden. If not got duped like so many that believe every fake insider Twitter account .Smh 😭
  17. From what I'm reading elsewhere Bond won't be back. Not Johntay Cook level issues , but something is amiss. Just leave it there for now. Our hit rate for ex Bama players isn't very good at all tbhπŸ˜‚πŸ€˜
  18. If you can't go to a real tailgate today check this out. WFAA Plus 24/7 stream will have a Virtual Tailgate 2:30 to game time. Stories, interviews, live stuff ,band rehearsals etc. Hey can't be there then this could the next best thing!🀘
  19. If you can't go or are not here, check out WFAA Plus 24/7 streaming today. This is the ABC affiliate in Dallas. They have a virtual tailgate on air from 2:30 until game time. Interviews, behind the scenes, band rehearsals etc. Enjoy 🀘🀘
  20. The media team is awesome. And that really matters the job they do as far as recruiting and selling the brand and school. If not the best in CFB , then at the top and in the conversation for sure.🀘
  21. Nah haven't seen that anywhere so that's why I asked . Just wondered that's all.
  22. Did you just break some news on Sark's wife here? 🀷
  23. Ever since Bert Auburn had that Hole in the Wall Event smh. I blame OTF πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚jk! Serious is Stone really that bad at field goals?
  24. I can be as critical of Quinn at times as anyone. But with no running game yesterday , he did a hell of a job . The interception was bad yesterday. Some throws into coverage yes. But be fair and look at all the rest. We don't win without Quinn's play period. And with everything on the line he came through period. OSU is a different animal right now, but football is a crazy game. Bet we compete our tails off and let's see. Michigan beat them, so of course any given day. Like being a dog for a change. Let's show up in Dallas and get a home field advantage. Gonna need it! 🀘🀘
  25. He tried to delete and go private after this. But guess what On3 Twitter put it out and him on blast for the whole world to see who he really is. There was no mutual parting of the ways either. What a POS !! He needs rehab bad! Hope they don't test at UDubπŸ˜‚
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