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Everything posted by TTown

  1. Good news bad news. Just how it will be for the next week and a half. Zion and Phillips not coming. Oh well sure we will still work on them up to signing day. Just like other teams trying to poach our guys.
  2. There was a big fundraiser push last night for the Texas One Fund. Must have went very well hmmm lol🤘
  3. No Zion either it was reported on LSU site. Said he is shutting it down. Btw Lufkin lost tonight so his HS career is done. Love Chris Gilbert watching Justis Terry tonight. Hey at the very least make Kirby pony up way more $$ ha! A crazy week and a half coming for sure!
  4. I hope you are right. But trying to get him back and he goes to Florida on the surface doesn't seem encouraging. But we shall see, after yesterday with Underwood, I take nobody as a commit anymore until they sign the new documents in a couple of weeks ha !
  5. Well his tweet tonight says he is going to LSU. Just wanted to see some good games etc. Maybe just wants that free Four Seasons treatment lol! So sure LSU is putting pressure on him like we are with Charles. Will see how it plays out like you said if he comes. Love the SEC recruiting . Not for the faint of heart! Gotta fill up the Texas One Fund coffers for the next 2 weeks, and for the Portal.Buckle up 🤘
  6. Reading the Florida Boards they seem confident to get him back on campus before signing day. Will be interesting to see who he picks to go see this weekend. SEC recruiting at its finest $$ ha!
  7. Don't want to overreact but Ewers has got to be better period. No more excuses, guys are running free. Back to no pocket awareness and some of those sacks are on him. Got to do better or run the ball. We are letting them hang around and have seen this before. Damn shame. Defense is awesome but they will be tested this half. Ewers apologists I feel ya , but he ain't it today!
  8. So how much is Bear Alexander costing us? 😂 Just kidding but I smell a DT hmm. Will see🤘
  9. But yeah I know he is probably still bitter about how his son's injury was handled here even though it wasn't anyone that is here now.
  10. Yeah and UT ex player Kenyatta Watson's Dad is the lead recruiter on him and others that are going to Auburn. Maybe we should have hired him away from Georgia Tech instead of Auburn getting him lol! He does have ties to Loganville Georgia , and that whole area. But of course Auburn is paying well no doubt!
  11. Interesting photo going around from Coach Jackson with the receivers. They were at D. Moore's Jive Turkey food truck in West Campus. Everybody is commenting that 1 guy is missing Johntay Cook. Who knows but should be fun reading the comments ha!
  12. Time will tell but need some of these teams that weren't expected to be this good to lose. I see a minimum of 6 from the Big 10 and SEC. Add the other 2 champions and P4 bid plus yes Notre Dame , leaves 2 spots imo. Does ACC get a second team, or Big 12 a second? That complicates things if .. Can get real interesting, but plenty of time to sort it out though. You would think 10-2 would get us in , but may depend who the loss is too etc. Basically have to play like it is the playoffs now for us. We can lose a Championship game at 10-2 and get in imo. But 10-2 and not in that game might be dicey. We will see 🤘
  13. I assume Hilson got out of College Station with no commitment or brainwashing yet? 😂🤘
  14. He gone ha! But was never here either jk . Who knows but yeah many thought it was a free trip for him to see his boys anyway . Oh well you never know these days $$ and all. We will see 🤘
  15. Really depends on which quarterback would be playing then tbh. Right now I don't think any of us know for sure on that, as crazy as that seems. Not hating, but that leash gets shorter by the day seemingly. I don't care, just want whoever gives us the best chance period. Great read though for sure👍
  16. Sark is never gonna pull a Hugh Freeze and throw a player under the bus in public. The I made it clear statement is interesting ha. We will see how short that leash is going forward. Even if Ewers improves against an inferior D, I will still have doubts when he faces those that are better. Can't have a QB with yips and contend period. Coach Irwin said it all for me this morning. Officer Ewers you are on notice now with backup ready when not if needed. About to find out when needed or if needed starting 1st half in Nashville!
  17. I am planning to go have my ticket. But if a Vandy fan offers me 1, 500 I'm taking it ha. Serious was offered that for my Georgia ticket. Shows how $ dumb I am for not selling it. If I had known that only the Defense would show up ha. JK it was worth it for the atmosphere. Well except for the Water Bottles! Bring back Big 12 Kevin Mar 😂
  18. I believe the article stated those identified will be banned for 24-25 . Not like a lifetime ban . I don't know how they will identify those without assigned seats , but a message has to be sent. Terrible look that has to be addressed . If the situation were reversed , all those defending this would be ok with Georgia doing that? I think not . Live and learn . But threatening alcohol sales will get CDC 's attention ha! That's a revenue stream and he is all about that $ as he should be!
  19. Read too where the SEC has the right to suspend alcohol sales as well. Truly was an embarrassment period. The guys trying to defend it , would they say they same if the situation were reversed? Of course not. Hopefully never again !
  20. Isiah Gibson I meant was a typo sorry about that.
  21. 24/7 reporting Elijah Griffin trying to work it out to come this weekend. I don't care if he is committed to Georgia bring him in down. Shooter gotta shoot. Love it !!
  22. This has to be a joke right ? Apple picking ? Over OU Texas. Be a man and put your foot down damn man!! PS - Good luck with that 😂🤷
  23. You are correct I meant 106, 000 my fault. We will see as I honestly don't know how they get those numbers with the official capacity listed is nowhere near that ha! Whatever it will be great if we beat OU first 🤘
  24. If the Fire Marshall looks the other way this has got to be the biggest crowd ever at DKR right? 103,000 + maybe? Wow get there early and party on Campus or around Campus all day🤘
  25. Btw y'all are killing it on the recruiting news and everything else. All the work done by all here is much appreciated! Now let's get some DT's ha a bunch🤘👍
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