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Bobby Burton

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Everything posted by Bobby Burton

  1. The voice of the Texas Longhorns, Craig Way, joined OTF for this morning’s Saturday Conversation. Hope you enjoy it!
  2. The voice of the Texas Longhorns, Craig Way, joined OTF for this morning’s Saturday Conversation. Hope you enjoy it! View full news story
  3. Gerry's up at 5am. I'm not sure he even needs coffee to talk recruiting. 🙂
  4. Well drilled to the point he makes it look easy.
  5. CDC was asked about this at SEC spring meetings. He said it was doubtful something Texas would pursue, equated it to the uniform and not messing with it either.
  6. Join us tonight at 7pm. Tune in while you watch the softball game or the Mavs!
  7. Fellas, the OG competitor will be Collin Oestrich! Let's have some fun. Bob Shipley will be the guest tonight.
  8. He was underrated IMO. Love what he (Hawkins) can do with his feet and he has a live, accurate arm.
  9. Two things: 1. Game night is back tomorrow night and we need your responses. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRjYbUQgDaLuahAO2kNfu4inMQphOMvQU_-vHVRYgMcvxSww/viewform 2. One of the participants tomorrow night will be an OG. So... if you can be on with us tomorrow night from 7-8pm and want to participate, please email us at ontexasfootball@gmail.com. Qualifications are: you must be an OG, you must be available from 7-8pm CT tomorrow night, you must have good WiFi, and you must be a good sport. We will pick the winner tomorrow around noon, notify you and work out all the particulars. Gerry will be hosting and you'll be on with Bob Shipley and myself. Thanks, Bobby
  10. They need some of the younger guys to come on. It's time for both Bryant and Bledsoe to show some real value IMO.
  11. They’re trying! I think they finally have a real chance.
  12. What a player he was. RIP.
  13. Texas was approached. Not sure where it ended up though.
  14. I wish I had a more extensive answer for you here. Right now, he's behind others. Haven't heard more than that.
  15. Gerry only knows one way to read the Manscape ad and only one way to cover recruiting... With GUSTO!!!
  16. I will take care of the $20.
  17. Chris Del Conte has at least one coach to replace this off-season, Texas women’s golf coach Ryan Murphy.
  18. Georgia-Florida is called a "party". Football, at its best, is not a party. It's bloodsport, like a Shootout.
  19. They can make their own subset of rules, like the SEC has done.
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