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Everything posted by Thanos72

  1. Maybe just lock this thread.
  2. The team slayed. Heisman was hype. I assume you’re a grown a$$ so no one needs to convince you to believe your thoughts. The fact that not everyone sees his greatness to your degree means nothing. Not agreeing with it also doesn’t mean negativity. It’s simply a different view. Ewers played as he should given the time and game circumstances. He met expectations versus exerting himself as back. Just my opinion. Clearly the green grass parted for you. All good. I hope he is “back” and more. Hook em!
  3. Good grief. You’re looking at this game in a vacuum while others see that the problems he has weren’t going to surface yesterday. Even yesterday, guys were turning to catch the ball, slowing down, etc. It’s fools good until we see it against a pressuring defense front. The real problem is his footwork and pocket awareness are pretty much set in year 3. Also, one has to wonder if Arch got the 2 bye weeks and starts if he wouldn’t pass the inconsistency of Ewers and offer a much better floor. I don’t think Arch is ready to lead to a chip but Ewers doesn’t seem to be either. Hopefully, michiquinn surfaces the rest of the year. We all want that but not at the expense of softening the analysis when reviewing a game.
  4. It was pop warner for me. We were scrimmaging one of the better teams in the city with a great back. I was lb. I saw him coming and filled the hole perfectly. We were two rams refusing to give ground. When I woke up, I had cleat marks on my jersey and they told me he scored.
  5. Damn. I wonder how many legit fast guys thought this. True track speed is something else…
  6. lol. ATM front 7 is no where near ga’s. Ga’s lb’s really killed our short game. Turner will get himself kicked out our penalized. Unless out ol has gone full mental since ga, they’ll give enough time. Remains to be seen what ewers does with it.
  7. Ga Quinn is far below a prepped Manning floor. OK/Vandy Quinn is still less effective than a prepped Manning imo. I don’t think we need Mi Quinn for am but it needs to be much closer to that than what we’ve seen the last 3 games. Other than ga, the line has been solid enough to win knuckle head penalties notwithstanding. I don’t think Arch can delivery a ring this year but I think the next 3 games and am would be invaluable for next years run especially since our line will be weaker. We’re going to out talent the next 3 games masking the qb issues. Unless Quinn is 100% healthy physically and mentally, it’s fool’s gold. He is really off now. Those consecutive dinks won’t work against many playoff quality teams. This is my first “strike” for Sark even if I understand the why. I think he is coddling Quinn in hopes that Quinn’s ceiling surfaces. I just don’t see how it will after this many games. He is who is. Great longhorn but can’t consistently stretch the field and his pocket awareness/evasiveness just isn’t there. No OL is perfect and he really struggles when his isn’t with the exception of the Mi game. That’s clearly an outlier. Sark knows Arch isn’t fully ready and is riding out with Quinn. I think it’s a long term mistake but happy to eat a buffet of crow if Quinn’s light comes on. Definitely rooting for it but I have to set my own realistic expectations based on the play. Either way, hook em! 🤘🏽
  8. Playoff is the only true target
  9. That’s crazy talk. No objective person can look at the now compressed playbook, continuous pocket awareness issues, and missed reads throughout the game and say he played well. Better than last week isn’t well. For me, this lowers your credibility regarding football observations. I root for all the players. Quinn simply isn’t playing good enough as a 3rd year player in this system.
  10. QE has lose his ceiling and doesn’t look like he’ll recover it. Sark is being overly loyal or he knows the current QE level is still higher the AM. Hard to believe that. Current QE is not better than what we saw of Manning. QE’s ceiling is potentially higher but MI QE feels like an anomaly. We won’t dink and dunk into the playoffs. Not happening.
  11. Our standard isn’t supposed to be “okay”…
  12. Then it’s just poor pocket awareness. Great…
  13. Thank you very much!
  14. Night before please. Dinner with my wife.
  15. Thank you all
  16. @Bobby Burton can you light up the post next week?
  17. Driving up from Atlanta for the Vanderbilt game. any must eats?
  18. Someone tell me what happened after apple picking…
  19. Pretty sound production from a 3 *
  20. That’s big10. They sway everything to MI and OSU. PSU is an annual screw job for years as they were the only team that could upset the apple cart. Texas vs ok ste bad.
  21. User name checks out
  22. I only find it in Spanish on Hulu???
  23. This is when Ewers personality will shine through. If he is as even keeled as Sark says, he handle this fine. Ewers also opens up the playbook that we’ll need for a title run. Hard to see Kirby allow a 1st year starter to succeed once let alone 2-3 times.
  24. @Gerry Hamilton does multiple visitors and limited slots influence kids much anymore with NIL being available somewhere?
  25. Hopefully, it’s not a Caleb redux against us.
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