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Everything posted by Thanos72

  1. One of the all time overrated would have lost to an all time underrated. Tebow couldn’t Tebow against that defense as easily as he had plus containing everywhere.
  2. Let Baker cook. New to the kitchen and learnin all the gredients
  3. It’s not straight up. They needed him more. It’s that simple.
  4. Let’s not Texag this place up. We get him, one for the good guys(loathe this phrase…) or he doesn’t pick us and he’s a jag and the coach is a jag and whatever else is a jag. Really, the poster is. Kids are gonna kid and NIL is a terrible thing for a 17/18 yr old. I’m happy for the opportunities they get but there’s zero chance it’s a good process with family, teams, fans etc tugging all at once.
  5. It’ll work out as it should. Frettin don’t translate. Grab your best drink and your best partner and hook em all game long!!!
  6. Is there a block or ignore feature? I can’t find it. Loathe day 1 pessimistic/miserable people. It only gets worse.
  7. Boy you’re miserable to come across.
  8. If they don’t sell a Schlossweiner…
  9. Was this 1 of the 2?
  10. Henry Milton?
  11. Firstly, these are silly and unserious comparisons. Secondly, our true BMDs didn’t make generational money without intelligence and probably crossing a line or 2. We don’t have Boy Scouts selling lemonade at a beer stand. No high school kid is worth a silly market setting. There is almost always a suitable replacement. This is high stakes chicken and several schools are probably setting their locker room up for failure. I just don’t see how Sark won’t figure it out but maybe not on harveycmd’s time frame.
  12. Blake: y’all I got some good news. Board: We’re losing Easley. It’d be great if a topic could remotely stay the topic. Thanks for the update Blake! Hope to hear soon.
  13. Y’all are funny. You want real time insider info, get it but can’t handle the ride. Why? The mods are sharing where immature teens are in a process that aren’t even fully in control of their decision. From parents, to uncles, to community pressure, these kids are faced with a lot so what they want and what they’ll do are in constant conflict. I think we are aggie like in way over hyping the sec but one thing we all have to get is that sec recruiting is just different. Always been this way just under the table. That’s why folks couldn’t wait to for dumba$$ aggie to open Texas up for the pilfering to begin. It may change but Texas has never had an atm or Oregon mentality about buying players. I’m not naive to say we didn’t participate but not like the sec. Teams were seeing how potent an aligned and above board Texas is and have counter punched with the only thing most teams can: money. We’ll counterpunch as well with strategy and patience so that we win the war not a year one battle in the sec Maybe some of yall are manscaping too closely…😉 Chill out, you got what you wanted in the sec so now adjust yourselves accordingly. We’re getting “losses” in fights that we haven’t even been in for a long time. Process that. 🤘🏽
  14. Lot of weighing in for not giving a hoot. 😂 It’s summer and it’s football boring. Once the new class settles, we’ll have new pants for new topics…
  15. Quit being sensitive. It’s a chat board. We are exchanging opinions. No one got personal or inappropriate.
  16. It’s about time you did. Meeting with a player doesn’t make you a recruiter. He’s riding Sweat/Murphy and he is a good coach. Never been a top recruiter. It’s not an opinion or debatable. Absolutely not his strength.
  17. He’s never been a recruiter. Stop it. The transition year is always the hardest one because relationships were already built. He also takes 3-4 years for a player to surface. You can be overrated while being a good coach.
  18. His worst years were with Herman’s recruits…
  19. Of course a dude nicknamed wheels runs the longhorn nil.
  20. But no gatekeeper, lol
  21. That’s the point. I don’t care who you are, someone comes into your car space is escalating a situation. A human is going to have an involuntary reflex, maybe panic. It’s the modern day entrapment. Baiting you into a reaction. A badge doesn’t change in the moment survival instincts. That you take at face value the characterization that Scottie just drive off is a form of gate keeping. I’m not calling you out and regret using the dumb phrase “people like you”. I apologize for that. It’s lazy and unnecessarily antagonizing. I’m frustrated that sacred cows trump right and wrong. Today’s LEO is vastly different because today’s human is and we need to be honest and better about that.
  22. Cop reached into his car which isn’t legal but probable cause is a joke now. This is happening more and more because folks like you give them a pass. Sorry it’s Scottie but he’s not a minority so maybe folks will get how it’s no longer a small minority of cops that abuse or overstep their authority. They see blue, not laws. They often are the escalators/instigators in situations but are then surprised by people’s reactions. In short, too many “bullies” have found a home within law enforcement. It’s a real issue. Wake up.
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