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Everything posted by .45s

  1. You shouldn't mention other waters in the same response where you also mention Chuck Norris' unless you are degrading those other waters!!
  2. I watched the SHSU game off and on. Kavan pitched all 7 and gave up only 2 hits- but both were homeruns. I don't think the batters are running on all cylinders yet and it could be because White is still shuffling the lineup.
  3. Wow you're old.
  4. Tap water- neat.
  5. Too bad LHN doesn't still broadcast the games.
  6. I checked the Box scores and Texas had several players playing for St. John's. St. John's must have had an illness problem.
  7. Great. That is 3 straight shutouts. They play Lamar at 6 today.
  8. Thanks for starting this. I had to catch it as a re-run later but enjoyed it. I am looking forward to it each week.
  9. Never mind. I forgot that all of that is on the Baseball website on the schedule page.
  10. Where will other games be broadcast? That is not many games.
  11. Similar to the football team having an All-American that wasn't also all-SEC.
  12. Getting kicked out of two schools in a short period of time and then getting arrested does not lend itself very well for someone other than his parents to put up with that until he settles down some. A lot of people wished him well when he left here and hoped he grew up some. A lot of people, maybe not as many, wished him well when he left Washington and probably hoped he would straighten up. I don't know for sure but the forums have stated that he got caught smoking pot in the locker room, got into fights/arguments, and even was caught stealing something in the locker room. Maybe that caused a fight. He had to have done something to get kicked out so quick. Then to get caught stealing in Fort Worth shortly after that. Hopefully that was the kick in the butt to shake him up- but I doubt it.
  13. Born in El Paso while dad was at Fort Bliss. Moved back to Houston when I was a baby and lived there through college and then in San Antonio for 4 more years in school. Then Baltimore, then Rochester, MN, then Portland, OR, then New Orleans, then Philadelphia, then Charlottesville, then back to Texas- for good.
  14. We won't tell Bobby. 🤣
  15. Baseball show- When Bases Loaded is not the only baseball show, the next one should be Beer and Baseball. Also, Jeff needs to drink coffee.
  16. Overall I think it looked really good. Even with a few control struggles, the pitching at this time of year looked better than at this time last year. They did a good job against the pros, with a few exceptions. Mercer and Riojas were standouts to me, but others looked pretty good too. I thought that Volantis has some real potential. Howard had some good moments, as did Volantis. I was impressed at the speed of the pitches by some of the new guys. A lot of mid 90s and some in the high 90s. Moffett was in the mid to high 90s the whole time and can deliver a somewhat side-armed fastball. Scary for some right-handed hitters and potentially fooling lefties if it hits the outside corner. Some of the young guys will probably need some work with Wiener to improve their control. Rerick is quite a specimen and threw hard, but was not dialed in. He has a lot of potential too. I wonder who will be calling the pitches to the catchers this year- Schloss? We have a lot more better arms than we have had the last couple of year. Hopefully we have enough to have a good three man rotation for the weekend series and several good relievers out of the bullpen. It has been a crap shoot the last couple of years. I really wanted to see Spencer, but he did not play and may have already secured his spot. Gasparino seems to have modified his swing a little bit, but I will have to see him a few more times. He still has good speed in the outfield and tracked down a tough straight shot to center over his head, but missed another at the wall. I couldn't tell if he should have caught that one or not. The roster shows that he has gained weight- he needed to- but I don't think it was that apparent and we were sitting pretty close. Perhaps it is good muscle that he has added. Chamberlain looks promising and so does Rodriguez. They both swung the bat well. Stewart has lost weight, which is probably better for his overall health anyway, and he still swings a good bat. Even in the fall he moved pretty well so he might be even faster and mobile now. Maybe he will do more splits like he did in the fall. I was a bit disappointed in some errors by Galvan and Mendoza (I think he was the one that booted the ball at 2nd). I still see too many balls missed by the catchers. I didn't see enough of Winfield to develop much of an impression for his fielding or hitting. He did get gunned down at the plate on a play where he probably should not have been sent. Service looks very athletic, but I am not sure about his throwing ability. He seemed to be aiming for the centerfielder a couple of times with his throws to second. Corba did not look good in the one plate appearance that I recall. Flores looks like he is ready to pick up where he left off last year. I think Schuessler will be good again. I would like to have seen Belyeu, but heard he was sick. Probably that flu bug that has been going around. A few other guys were in and out so I don't recall off-hand if any things were memorable regarding them. Unless we get several position players in yearlong slumps we should be a pretty good hitting team with some power. There is the potential for a lot of power. Our pitching staff should be better this year and we will need both to be competitive in the SEC and to get back to Omaha. It is pretty expensive but I am saving my Pesos in case we get back. We will be in Arlington for the whole weekend series and may start to see what Schloss is thinking as far as the pitching and position player lineups, at least for the early part of the season. Hook'em. 🤘
  17. Too bad he was sick for the Alumni game. I wanted to see him hit. We will be in Arlington for the whole weekend so we should get a look at quite a few bats for the starters and top potential subs.
  18. Interesting about his arm, because I am pretty sure that I read somewhere last season that his arm was average. Maybe a high school scouting report. I saw him make several throws and his arm seemed pretty good to me and it made me question those old reviews.
  19. Hopefully 1-13 each lose their regional and Texas advances from its regional. 😅
  20. Ola.
  21. 😅 That police report has a longhorn logo on it. I'll bet he doesn't like that.
  22. I am from Houston and not a Mavericks fan, but I don't understand that trade and feel sorry for their fans.
  23. I have nothing against Quinn and think he has been good at UT. I think he has been one of the better QBs at UT. Maybe, I might have thought the same thing about Brady but it is a good thing I said "I think" about Quine instead of "I know". If I had slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night I still would have said "I think".
  24. Condolences to the whole Campbell family. RIP Tim.🤘🤘
  25. I hope QE does well but I think he will be a back up at best, possibly getting starts off and on. Colt got in 14 years. Being a backup QB is one of the best jobs in the NFL, actually one of the best jobs anywhere, because the longer you can stay the better the money is and you have far fewer injuries than being a starter.
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