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Everything posted by MarkInAustin

  1. The run defense has been most solid when 15 and VB have been in together. Or so I think.
  2. I don't think Blue was at full speed on his last carry.
  3. Arch in the fourth quarter? I kid.
  4. After the motion penalty it was absolutely the right thing to do, or so I think.
  5. Conner is a good PULLING guard.
  6. Well, except fpr Cam they looked pretty good.
  7. How many tix were allocated to Texas?
  8. Barry Bonds is the only human I know of whose head size grew as an adult. Ted Williams was the best hitter I have ever seen. Mays was the best baseball player I saw. My parents saw Ruth play in Yankee Stadium. He never had trouble with a fast ball, swinging a ridiculously heavy 42 oz bat. Today he would have been swinging 34 oz at most. Williams spanned eras and lost about 5 seasons to military service. He ate up 96-98 mph fast balls. His worst hitting, which was still better than any of his peers, came against junk.
  9. It is fashionable to want 10+ wins but I want 2+. Beat OU. Beat Aggie. The rest is gravy. Ok, I want all the gravy, too!
  10. Rooster Andrews, 2025 version?
  11. It is a great sport to watch. The Greg is a great venue. But we cannot all fit into Gregory Gym. With the roll-up of LHN into the SEC where will the matches be televised?
  12. Two thoughts - Agree with the Juan Davis talk - thought he made more sense than Gullette, actually. He was an All District QB in HS and has reportedly been a willing blocker. "Too tall", but plenty sturdy and fast enough, with decent hands. TE is deep, and he has proved willing to play on special teams for four years now. H-Back to RB should not be as intensive a learning curve as LB to RB. Colin Page was a terrific HS RB here in Austin - 1700 yards his senior season at Anderson. *** I hope Clark will be OK, fully recovered, no matter how long that takes.
  13. Despite the score in 2013, the NMxSt DL stifled the Texas OL in that game. Texas' greatly superior skill speed still overwhelmed the Las Cruces Aggies. Thus, one could have watched that blowout and yet become very anxious about the remainder of the season. The NMxSt DL will not stifle the Texas OL in 2027.
  14. I counted the same five plus NMxSt as legit opponents, and decided as you did that it is the home schedule that is deficient. I think "John Galt" simply dislikes RT and won't let go of it. Like Bierce, I think playing teams like Rice and UTA would beat the heck out of playing HCU at home, and would provide consistent fun for me at Moody and better team building opportunities as well. IDK why the home schedule sucks except for UConn and NMxSt [not a true feature, but a team with a heartbeat]. I don't think it had to do with fear of losing to mid-level teams; the road and pre-season tourney games put the lie to that. Beard started the downgrading of the home schedule from mid level fillers to bottom feeders, btw, and I had not understood that either..
  15. In the portal era it does not make as much sense to load the pre-conference with tough games as it did in the past. Rick usually had continuity going for him back in the days when UT regularly scheduled half or more of its games against teams that had a heartbeat. Now there is the issue of molding a team from strays. Good, experienced strays, but not ones that have played under fire as a team ever before. That being said, I miss those games against Michigan State and North Carolina.
  16. Wasn't Taaffe the MVP of two HS State Championship games? I marveled watching him against Southlake, wondering how he had not been offered by Texas.
  17. Take away the incentive of graduating college in four years, if ever, and replace it with the incentive to turn pro in one or two and the Duke/Cougar High difference evaporates. A degree from Duke is worth far more than a degree from Houston but a single year at either college is almost meaningless except for prep to play pro ball.
  18. 81 next month. Still younger than Biden...
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