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Paul Jespersen

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Everything posted by Paul Jespersen

  1. Born in Kemah (Seabrook), went to HS at the now defunct Spring Branch High School class of 84 (now part of Memorial) in Houston, lived 3 times in Austin with 2 degrees from UT and all my kids graduated from Lake Travis. Have lived all over, currently repping the horns in the San Juan islands in WA, but when people ask where I'm from I usually say Austin. Took me 10 years to get my undergrad 😬😜 so my quarterbacks ranged from Todd Dodge through Peter Gardere to Shea Lorentz.... Texas forever. 🤘
  2. Here we go again.... 🤣 🤘
  3. Welcome over @Jeff Howe and congrats on the move. Bobby at it again! 🤘
  4. Day 1 / 1 Year In. OTF FTW. 🤘
  5. I mean, they are boat racing the purported number 1 team, so yeah. But they also just lost to Michigan a minute ago, so 🤷‍♂️ 😕. 🤘
  6. TN getting very little love over OSU... I think they win.
  7. Sark isn't Saban - he's also got a healthy dose of Pete Carroll. And a good measure of his own story and personality as well. Makes a potent cocktail. 🤘
  8. Glad to see Moore looking like he'll be back in mix. He was really coming on when he got hurt... 🤘
  9. To be fair to this guy, as I posted somewhere else, they have not been an underdog against the spread in ANY game since Clemson in 21 was favored by 2.5, so that should be their mentality. Also, GA won that game too, fwiw. Time for us to go and make a statement. 🤘
  10. Even if he weren't an idiot, he's super annoying to listen to imo... tried, couldn't make it through a single video...
  11. https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/41792030/kansas-tops-ap-top-25-preseason-men-basketball-poll-ahead-alabama-defending-champion-uconn Texas starts year at 19 🤘 from SEC: Alabama at 2, Auburn 11, TN 12, Ags 13 and Pigs 16.
  12. I'm totally ok w/ Texas #2 (top 3 are basically pick 'em in my mind til it plays out) but logically, double digit big road win (Texas over M) > one score come from behind big home win (ALA over GA.) Also, Tex v. GA and Ala v Tenn on same day is going to be crazy. 🤘
  13. 48-10, there seems to always be a broken/explosive play that bites us, this time yielding a fluke TD for Miss State I think. I think w some of our RB attrition plus playing Owens likely in most of Q4 running clock keeps our point total down. Still a thumping, bigger than score shows, and a great SEC debut. 🤘
  14. 48-10, there seems to always be a broken/explosive play that bites us, this time yielding a TD I think. I think w some of our RB attrition plus playing Owens likely in most of Q4 running clock keeps our point total down. Still a thumping, bigger than score shows, and a great SEC debut. 🤘
  15. In an age of offensive football...
  16. Thanks. Noted. But still... 🤔
  17. One of biggest surprises for me this year: where in the world is Amari Niblack? zero impact to date, and zero snaps in last game? There are 3rd string freshmen getting snaps… I know Helm has been great, but that doesn’t account for zero snaps… did I miss something??
  18. The security and foundational strength this gives our program over the next several years can simply not be overstated. Unbelievable situation and benefit for Texas. 🤘
  19. What do Aggies and Longhorns have in common? They all applied to UT... 🤘
  20. No way I'd have gotten in with today's standards, so thank my lucky stars every day I'm old 🙂 Then they let me in again for a Masters, go figure... Only one of my 4 kids, all super smart, high achievers, high scores, AP Scholar, National Merit, etc. got in directly and graduated though, and one through the UT A transfer program, though all much better qualified than I was... the bar is really, really high... 🤘
  21. Just checking in here to see if ags think they are (re)playoff bound now that they "destroyed" a shell of a Florida team and "found" a quarterback and won their first SEC road game.... The ship has been righted! Elko>Sark! etc... 🙄 Can't wait for that game to end the season... 🤘
  22. glass houses people... all those Lambos out there, trouble waiting to happen lol... 🙂 I know at 18 in Houston and Austin I was getting into trouble with a Toyota 😜 seriously, as we get "hotter" (if possible) as a program, more recruits than ever will want to come and it becomes harder to keep the culture fit and focus... 5*s are great, but sometimes a 4* fit is better. Evaluation and patience become premium... its the rat poison of recruiting imho... look at Florida and their downfall - I saw something where like 40% of their top recruiting class had been arrested and/or done time since the class was signed... kind find the quote, so maybe apocryphal, but its a cautionary tale... character and program fits matter. so far, we've been super fortunate, and Sark seems to be world class in this regard... but no one is immune.... and not to rant, but related in the inverse, its been super rewarding to see all the podcasts w/ former players etc. and how well both our current and former players represent Texas. The best. Hook 'em.
  23. Beef Ribs on the Traeger for the post game dinner.
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